BFD ladder to roof of 289 Corey Rd.
By adamg - 1/1/25 - 2:48 pm

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded to 289 Corey Rd. in Brighton for a fire in the basement and on the first floor around 3:45 a.m. Read more.

Rendering of proposed Corey Road building and present structure
By adamg - 11/29/23 - 11:23 am

The Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday approved plans by two artists to replace their small cinderblock garage turned studio at 171 Corey Rd., near Washington Street in Brighton, into a five-story building with two floors of artist space and three floors with a total of six residential units. Read more.

Car under a truck
By adamg - 11/7/23 - 4:43 pm

Eileen Houben photographed this car-demolishing crash on Corey Road near Westbourne Terrace shortly before 4:20 p.m. She reports the driver actually seemed to be OK, but firefighters were having to figure out how to get them out.

H/t Michael B.

185 Corey Road fire
By adamg - 12/17/21 - 8:21 am

Boston firefighters responded to a commercial building at 185 Corey Rd. in Brighton at 4:30 a.m. for what turned into an eight-alarm fire. Read more.

Architect's rendering of proposed 249 Corey Rd. building
By adamg - 10/1/19 - 11:43 am

A Brookline developer is proposing to raze the old Corey Hill Nursing Home at 249 Corey Rd. and put up a 35-unit residential building on the Brighton side of the property and two single-family homes on the Brookline side. Read more.