By adamg - 12/2/08 - 8:22 pm

Newly unemployed scribe Amy Derjue writes she feels Matt Amorello's pain:

... Keep fighting the good fight, Matt. I'll see you on the bread lines. ...

Meanwhile, Jenn, also a newly unemployed scribe, goes on trip to the Museum of Science with her father and her son and ponders the new triceratops:

... The kid poses, only somewhat reluctantly, by Cliff the triceratops, one of the last remnants of a species that once ruled the earth.

Lately, I've been wondering if I should just hop on a podium alongside him.

By adamg - 9/27/06 - 8:35 pm

Wayne Braverman can't believe the Mass. Horticultural Society will be giving Matt Amorello a gold medal on Oct. 12:

By adamg - 8/20/06 - 10:18 pm

The Outraged Liberal reads today's Globe article on Bechtel's apparent non-concern about I-90 connector bolts and concludes:

By adamg - 8/7/06 - 7:39 pm

Michael Grunwald, late of the Boston Globe, writes that the Big Dig is quite something.

By adamg - 7/28/06 - 10:48 am

Matt Amorello's resignation will not solve the Big Dig's problems, Charley writes:

By adamg - 7/19/06 - 10:09 am

John DePetro has 72 hours to sit in a corner for calling Matt Amorello a fag and a sissy boy.

By adamg - 7/18/06 - 5:19 pm

Kimberly Atkins has the details of Romney's formal effort to remove Matt Amorello from office - which also includes a suit by three Romney appointees to the turnpike board against Amore

By adamg - 7/17/06 - 9:23 pm

Massachusetts GOP News posts three Amorello limericks - and none involve "Nantucket."

By adamg - 7/14/06 - 3:50 pm

Boston Magazine's City Journal claims to have exclusive photos of what really happened in that argument between Mitt Romney and Matt Amorello at the ceiling-collapse site.

By adamg - 7/14/06 - 2:33 pm

Harold M. Clemons casts a Roxbury eye on the Big Dig scandal:

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 10:35 pm

Because nobody died on Lay's watch, Christine argues, suggesting that instead of a payment to make Amorello go away, the state should exile him to some remote Boston Harbor island.

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 4:41 pm

This morning, Dan Kennedy predicted more bad Big Dig news before we're through.

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 8:26 am

Follow the money, John Daley suggests: Specifically, the money flowing from Big Dig contractors to our best and brightest on Beacon Hill, including newly outraged Tom Re

By adamg - 7/12/06 - 9:28 pm

Amy reports that even before Monday's ceiling collapse, her grandmother refused to visit her cousin who lives in Revere because it would have meant driving

By adamg - 7/12/06 - 10:17 am

Tim Lavallee took a deep breath then drove home via the Big Dig last night:

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 9:51 pm

Out there on the Other Coast, SFWillie manages to find a connection between the Big Dig tragedy and Barry Bonds's home-run record: Both involve cheating.

By adamg - 7/11/06 - 1:13 pm

Breaking news: Mitt Romney to try to oust Matt Amorello; says nobody can feel safe in the tunnel system right now: "I don't have any confidence in this individual."