Forget Amorello, what about Bechtel?
The Outraged Liberal reads today's Globe article on Bechtel's apparent non-concern about I-90 connector bolts and concludes: Looks like Mitt Romney got the wrong scalp:
... Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, the well-connected management company designed to oversee the project opted to save money rather than push for safety. Under the oversight of Kerasiotes. And Cellucci.
What say you Mitt? Ready to keep the heat on and find the culprits? Or are you too busy kissing Trent Lott's backside while busting Michael Dukakis?
Dan Kennedy notes that the article points out how unique the concrete-slab construction was and that the story:
[R]aises the distinct possibility that the fatal accident of July 10 wasn't just the result of incompetent workmanship but also of a deeply flawed design.