By adamg - 12/10/24 - 9:19 am

Mona Xia and Erin Ramirez take us into the kitchen and the history of the largest Chinese restaurant in the country, which serves 100,000 pounds of spare ribs and 55,000 orders of crab rangoon a year.

By adamg - 9/30/24 - 10:36 pm

Drew Mulholland reports the venerable Continental in Saugus will be closing the week before Thanksgiving after having served food for 72 years. So that leaves, what, the Kowloon and the Leaning Tower of Pizza, um, Prince Pizza as the last of the big Rte. 1 restaurants?

Via Boston Restaurant Talk.

Killingly Instant Canopy boxes with bar-code sticker over the LY, making it sound like Killing the Next Generation
By adamg - 9/16/24 - 5:01 pm

Ocean State Job Lot is selling various insta-tents and canopies, all named for towns in Connecticut, but Looks Yellow, Tastes Red suggests they be more careful with where they put the bar-code stickers on their Killingly line.

Pickup truck sitting on Jersey barriers at Lynnfield tunnel
By adamg - 5/17/23 - 9:48 am

A.P. Blake captured the carnage (pickupage?) on Rte. 1 at the Lynnfield Tunnel around 11:30 p.m. yesterday.

The guy passed my wife and I in Saugus moments before crashing and was easily doing over 100, without a doubt. It was terrifying how quickly he went by. Crash sent chunks of concrete all over the road.

Dream Machine
By adamg - 11/29/22 - 6:27 pm

Like its counterpart down Rte. 1 in Dedham, the Walpole Mall used to be a bustling indoor mall. But unlike the Dedham Mall, whose owners just shut what was left of the inside mall quickly and turned it into a collection of big-box stores, the Walpole Mall has been slowly suffocating for years. Read more.

By adamg - 3/24/22 - 10:59 am

State Police report a woman driving north on Rte. 1 in Peabody escaped injury last night when somebody who'd been tailgating her pulled alongside her and shot at her, but missed. Read more.

Let's go Brandon
By adamg - 11/14/21 - 7:34 pm

An entrepreneur has set up a trailer on Rte. 1 southbound in Norwood to sell Trump and anti-Biden stuff. Probably easier to get supplies of that than Christmas trees.

By adamg - 1/7/21 - 11:49 pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports Kowloon owner Bob Wong filed preliminary plans with the Saugus Planning Board for split the property up and sell the pieces - but that fans of its Polynesian and Chinese fare don't have to worry just yet, because any shutdown is still several years off. Read more.

By adamg - 1/2/20 - 2:44 pm

State Police report having to shut down Rte. 1 north at Forest Street around 2 p.m. "due to a cement truck that spilled a load of wet cement across the roadway."

Smashed car
By adamg - 11/11/19 - 9:47 pm

Chelsea Police Chief Brian Kyes reports local and state police and the Chelsea Fire Department: Read more.

By adamg - 8/31/19 - 10:37 am

State Police report a Lynn man driving south on Rte. 1 north caused a fiery crash that ended with him and a passenger of another vehicle dead and the other driver seriously injured. Read more.

By adamg - 10/26/17 - 9:01 am

The Herald reports state Sen. Thomas McGee of Lynn has filed a bill to add tolls to I-93 in Boston, 128/95, Rte. 1 from Dedham to Peabody and Rte. 2 between 128 and Alewife - with the tolls going to transportation maintenance, including on the T.

S.1959 - the bill in question.

Man on roof
By adamg - 9/9/17 - 2:34 pm

State Police report a chase that began in Malden this morning ended in your basic Rte. 1 cliche of the sort we're going to miss once the road is completely turned into a valley of fancy condos and big-box stores. Read more

By adamg - 8/28/17 - 4:58 pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports they tore down the Ship in Lynnfield today.

By adamg - 1/12/17 - 7:16 pm

The Lynn Item reports a developer wants to decommission the nautical restaurant and turn the space into retail space and a new, un-masted restaurant.

By adamg - 12/8/16 - 9:30 am

The Lynn Item reports that the fabled Orange Dinosaur of Rte. 1, now sitting in the world's largest pit of despair, will be joined by a Kane's Donuts outlet next year.

By adamg - 10/2/16 - 8:59 pm

State Police report a trooper was seriously injured after the Patriots game by an Everett man they say was trying to evade other troopers by heading south on Rte. 1 northbound on his 2009 Ducati. Read more.

By adamg - 9/14/16 - 10:29 pm

The Lynn Item reports the new owner of the site will save the dinosaur from extinction and give it a place of honor in front of one of the hotels he'll be plonking down.

Rte. 1 sign on VFW Parkway
By adamg - 7/3/16 - 11:51 am

The state recently put up this Rte. 1 sign on VFW Parkway northbound where it intersects with West Roxbury Parkway in West Roxbury.

It replaces a sign that for more than 20 years had the "1" painted over, because the state highway department rerouted Rte. 1 from the Storrow Drive/Fenway/Riverway/Jamaicaway/Arborway/Centre Street/VFW Parkway route it used to take to some weird 128/93/95 thing. Is DCR getting us ready for a change back, or was somebody in the sign shop just feeling nostalgic?

By adamg - 5/10/16 - 3:50 pm

State Police explain why Rte. 1 north was shut in Revere at the start of the evening rush yesterday:

A 17-year-old operator of a 2011 Mercedes-Benz caused a 6 car crash on route 1 northbound in Revere. The crash injured numerous people. The male driver had been issued a citation for speeding just an hour earlier by the Winthrop Police. He told troopers at the scene that he was 'late for work at the Market Basket' which was his reason for speeding in the breakdown when he caused the multi-vehicle crash.