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John DePetro

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 1:45 pm

Will sue WRKO if he doesn't get his job back, but in exchange for his job, willing to undergo sensitivity training and give Grace Ross an hour a week on the air.

Seems the woman who fired DePetro for calling Ross a "fat lesbian" had argued a couple years ago that it was perfectly acceptable to call Hillary Clinton a "fat bitch".

The Herald's Greg Gatlin reports the radio station says nuh-uh:

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 4:51 pm

Carpundit has had enough of the Herald's endless series on the guy with the stapled stomach:

Enough with the stupid fat guy ... Shut up and go away already.

By adamg - 11/3/06 - 1:23 pm

'Derogatory' quip gets talk jock DePetro fired.

Hub Politics doesn't get what the fuss is about, because what's wrong with calling a fat lesbian a fat lesbian?

Yeah, no worse than calling the Margolis brothers a couple of short Jews. It's true, right?

Dan Kennedy wonders why DePetro was axed when Howie Carr's been snickering about gays and overweight people for years:

By adamg - 7/19/06 - 10:09 am

John DePetro has 72 hours to sit in a corner for calling Matt Amorello a fag and a sissy boy.

David on Blue Mass Group: Hey, guess what John? You're an asshole. And no one can suspend me for saying so.

Aaron Margolis begs to differ:

... Shame on WRKO for caving in, and having such a spineless policy. Go screw, you bunch of sissies. ...

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