Koi in Jamaica Pond
By adamg - 3/25/23 - 4:24 pm

Yesterday afternoon, a bright orange koi lazily did circles in the water off the northern shore of Jamaica Pond, tailed by a couple of drabber koi that more closely matched the color of the water. Read more.

Four koi
By adamg - 4/24/21 - 5:16 pm

A week ago, there was one koi swimming around at the north end of Jamaica Pond. Today there were at least five, and maybe six - two orange ones, a mostly white one and one or two sort of mud-colored ones. Read more.

Goose and koi
By adamg - 4/17/21 - 7:12 pm

Looks like somebody dumped a sleek and sassy koi into Jamaica Pond recently. Although it doesn't show up in this poor photo, the fish has a splash of orange on its back near its eyes - unlike Moby Carp of years gone by, which was simply white. At one point the goose started going after the fish; the fish was having none of it and swam away.