Donnie Palmer, running again as a Republican against incumbent US Rep Ayanna Pressley, says she should be executed by hanging for treason and that he'd be happy to put the noose around her neck himself. Read more.
The Dorchester Reporter reports (scroll down a bit) that state officials are warning Donnie Palmer that he could be barred from local and state ballots in the future if he doesn't soon file details of the contributions he got in his failed racist campaign to get elected a city councilor last year. Palmer's name will be on the ballot in November as an alleged alternative to US Rep. Ayanna Pressley.
Anti-vaxxer Catherine Vitale of Dorchester, who likes to follow Michelle Wu around Boston with a bullhorn set to siren, has her minions out this weekend trying to collect signatures so she can get on the November ballot as an independent in the 7th Congressional District. Read more.