A man with no shoes on the Red Line
By adamg - 4/28/14 - 8:29 am

The past few days, morning commuters on the Red Line have noted the presence of a well dressed man who just happens to not be wearing shoes.

Keytar playing bear
By adamg - 11/15/13 - 12:59 pm

Keytar Bear has been making the rounds of downtown and Back Bay T stops, but he came above ground today to play and mug for the camera by the Old State House, where Jocelyn snapped his photo.

By adamg - 4/17/13 - 3:24 pm

The Celebrity Beacon Hill Town Crier was giving Bostonians on the Common the news they needed today.

By adamg - 2/20/13 - 8:32 am

Literally on track. At 8:20 a.m., A.P. Blake tweeted from North Station:

Sob Story Guy is spilling his schtick from IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GREEN LINE TRACKS.

By adamg - 6/19/12 - 8:05 am

Around 8:15 p.m. yesterday, Rachel Zarrell spotted Sob Story Guy getting on the Orange Line at Chinatown:

Singing Spare Change Guy
By adamg - 11/27/11 - 1:02 am

Photographynatalia captured George, the guy who sings his requests for money, on the Common the other day.

By adamg - 11/7/11 - 2:31 pm

Neuroboy files an e-mail report from Downtown Crossing:

By adamg - 11/3/11 - 5:22 pm

Boston Reddit is hot on the trail of this goth guy who can often be found walking around the Back Bay with the top half of a female mannequin, even though

By adamg - 10/25/11 - 10:41 pm

The Plastic Bag Lady of Park Street is in touch with the zeitgeist, based on the sign she was wearing on her back today.

By adamg - 7/29/11 - 2:39 pm

Robbie Felder, the omnipresent Mattapan panhandler whose disappearance a few months back sparked rumors he was dead, is back slowly walking up and down Morton Street, qui

By adamg - 3/6/11 - 9:43 pm

The rumor spread like wildfire tonight: Robbie Felder, who has spent much of the past decade shuffling up and down Morton Street asking for handouts, was dead.

Chicken Man near BC
By adamg - 12/18/10 - 1:21 am

As Spearmintkitten, who snapped the Chickenmanmobile near BC on Friday, puts it: "WTF."

He is apparently different from this Chickenman (the one we're supposed to remember) and this one and this one and, of course, the Chicken Man of Codman Square (who doesn't even look like a chicken).

Whoever, or whatever he is, though, he gets around. In fact, read to the bottom of that link to see how he may be "a daily Mass-going Catholic" who enjoys a dip in the pool at BC.

Photo copyright Spearmintkitten. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

By adamg - 8/17/10 - 9:16 am

Among the people taking in the Boston Photography Center's annual living photo installation in the Public Garden this year: Louie.

By adamg - 7/25/10 - 1:36 pm

Scooterdude updates us on the impending arrival of his new multi-colored, professional-grade sail.