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Faneuil Gardens

By adamg - 5/22/24 - 4:41 pm

A dog that attacked four people in a building in Brighton's Faneuil Gardens development last night is now at the city animal shelter in Roslindale for quarantine and for a dangerousness hearing, officials said today. Read more.

By adamg - 2/3/24 - 1:03 pm
Rendering of proposed new Faneuil Gardens development

Rendering by J. Garland Enterprises/Moody Noland/MVRDV.

The Community Builders has filed plans with the BPDA to replace the 1940s barracks-like apartment buildings at Faneuil Gardens, off Faneuil and North Beacon streets, with five taller buildings that would have apartments for current residents and 183 apartments for new tenants - as well as a new community center and a tree-lined pedestrian "boulevard." Read more.

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