Damon Krukowski bids farewell to the Courthouse Fish Market in East Cambridge, which closed this month after more than 110 years in business, meaning the end of not just a place to get fresh fish but a part of the community: Read more.
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Boston Restaurant Talk reports that the Courthouse Fish Market in East Cambridge has closed for good after more than 111 years in business. Its sister restaurant, Courthouse Seafood, however, remains open.
Cambridge Police report a Gore Street man will face several charges when he's released from the hospital following an attack on a woman last night. Read more.
Cambridge Police report some guy didn't bother with trying door handles in the parking garage of a condo complex on Monsignor O'Brien Highway early this morning: He simply smashed his way in to loot the vehicles. Read more.
Cambridge Poice report they and the MSPCA are trying to find the person they say used masking tape and a BB gun to kill a cat found early yesterday morning near Hurley and Sciarappa streets in East Cambridge. Read more.
Cambridge Police report 11 cars were broken into by somebody who gained entry mainly by smashing in the front passenger window, sometime overnight from Friday into Saturday. Read more.
Dutch provides some views of the gridlock on this pre-Thanksgiving Tuesday, such as in East Cambridge.
Ted Dobbin reports spotting this note yesterday on the remains of a snow mound at 6th and Cambridge streets in East Cambridge. One can only hope it's been there awhile, because to think that it might have just shown up yesterday would be kind of depressing.
Garrett Quinn forwards this photo showing that whoever delivers Globe Direct fireplace stuffers in East Cambridge isn't going to let the fact that a building caught on fire and got boarded up stop them from delivering the things every week.
H/t Kevin Franck for the headline.
WBUR reports on an actual groundbreaking for the skate park that's been promised for the area along the Charles near the Zakim for what seems like forever now and that the groundbreakers are promising the thing will actually be open in a year.
WBUR also reports how Nancy Schon, the sculptor of the Make Way for Ducklings statues in the Public Garden and the tortoise and the hare sculptures in Copley Square, got the whole thing started.
Cambridge Police report a man from Braintree tried to take advantage of a woman fixing her bicycle on Cambridge Street last Wednesday night.
Cambridge Day reports some developers are actually interested in the decaying Middlesex County courthouse and jail, and that state official
Mark Jaquith reports that the Beal Companies have withdrawn their application to build a 10-story research building just 50 feet from some homes.
'Imagine having a building the size of Holyoke Center in your back yard'.
The Crimson reports some East Cambridge residents are not taking kindly to the idea of having a 10-story research building built 50 feet from their property lines.
There seem to be some people spoiling for a fight at Cambridge and Fifth streets in East Cambridge.
Inahandbasket isn't going into work today because a transformer blew in East Cambridge around 8 last night.
Also good to know: Geeks sometimes refer to Kendall Square as K^2.