Maybe Kevin Cullen has finally returned from his extended summer vacation and is going to start writing thoughtful columns about life in Boston, like today's column
That would certainly explain why he spent a total of 15 minutes writing today's column - a new set of insults for "Herr Whacko" - rather than doing any original reporting:
And Clark, just one more thing: When you look at the visitors' log at Nashua Street jail, and see an empty space, you'll know it was me.
Quite so.
Quite so? Yep, that's going to be some piece Kev is working on.
Herr, herr, herr.
Furthering my thesis that Kevin Cullen would make a great blogger is today's column, the top half of which involves his reaction to people writing him to tell him Delaware was not a Confederate state. You can just picture him down in ma's basement, going "Oh, yeah?!? I'll show YOU, you SOBs! I'm so gonna blog about this!" You know, just like when Boston Magazine was sort of mean to him.
Bonus Cullen weekly column count:
Columns about Delaware: 2 Columns about Boston: 0
Adam Reilly counsels him:
Yo, Kevin--As a Globe metro columnist, you've got one of the best jobs in Boston journalism. But you're supposed to write about Boston, not yourself. The next time someone points out that you made a factual error, just acknowledge it in a straightforward way. Don't waste 670 words explaining why it wasn't a big deal. ...
Satirist. Social commentator. Sports reporter. And now, travel writer. Yeeha, let's all jump in the car and drive to the Delaware State Fair! Oh, but let's get a copy of the Herald so we can keep up with what's happening back in Boston.
By day, he's an amazing reporter, writing wonderful articles, but by night, he's busy complaining about Manny Ramirez and riffing on stuff he read in the Herald.
Kevin Cullen says this story was hard to write. But even though you know how it ends, you'll read it to the end.
So Kevin Cullen follows up his hard-hitting column on Boston Police and the death of David Woodman with an inane, took-15-minutes-to-write
He's a bit late to the game, but Kevin Cullen today writes what Dan Kennedy calls a first-rate column on the guy who died after being detained by police during the post-Celtics-win crackdown.
After reading Kevin Cullen's thoughts on Manny Ramirez today, it would be easy to ask why a metro columnist is writing about this rather than, oh, asking how a 7-year-old came to be shot while playing kickball or, oh, how a woman died when her car was raked by gunfire or, oh, whether police overreacted in responding to that woman with the cleaning supplies.
Easy, but incomplete. Because one also has to ask whether Cullen even reads his own paper, since the CHB wrote the same basic column on Tuesday and Bob Ryan expressed the same basic thoughts on Wednesday. Maybe Cullen was at a retreat, missed those two columns, but saw Yvonne Abraham's summation of all the questions in the Woodman case and concluded the paper had already had enough serious local opinion this week.
Kevin Cullen gets the scoop, reporting from the Emerald Isle that Irish people instead follow something called soccer and that they recently had a referendum on how evil the French and Germans are, all summed up in the headline:
Don't know, don't care
Today's Globe challenge: Read the following sentence without taking a breath:
So I get on the bus and we go through the tunnel that they measured wrong and is too small for big trucks, and the Irish do that sometimes, but it wasn't like the Big Dig in which people made billions and some poor lady from Jamaica Plain got killed because somebody made a mistake and I take the bus to Glasthule, which is a beautiful village just south of Dublin, and is right next to Sandycove where James Joyce described the Irish Sea water as snot green.
The Globe finally covers the saga of pirate radio station Touch FM, but says that the station at 106.1 MHz is an example of an illegal station broadcasting below 100 MHz. Um, no, it's an example of an illegal station broadcasting below 100 watts.
Still, at least it's an interesting story, unlike Kevin "I'm channeling Brian McGrory as fast as I can" Cullen's revelation that, boy, Dyan Cannon sure is old (what, Kev, no Jack Nicholson jokes?).
Kevin Cullen files a decent enough column that has nothing at all to do with daily life in Boston.
Speaking of Cullen, Dan Kennedy and his readers notice some interesting editing of his Celtics piece between the time it ran online and its appearance in print this weekend.
I know the Newton trolley crash happened after work let out for the day on Morrissey Boulevard, and all the violence surrounding Gene Rivers happened, oh, days and days ago, and really, who cares about a city worker telecommuting from Venezuela, but was there really nothing else Kevin Cullen could have written about today except himself?
Being called soft by Boston magazine is like being called fat by Carmen DiNunzio, the 400-pound Mafia boss.
Thanks, Kevin, for explaining who Carmen DiNunzio is, because the sort of person likely to read your column these days probably isn't at all familiar with what's going on in Boston, given how rarely you write about it anymore.
John Gonzalez weighs all three of the columnists and finds them wanting:
... In a city that needs bold opinions, particularly now that Bailey is gone, who among them is up to the task? Walker is inconsistent. So is Abraham, who just returned to writing this spring after spending much of her first year as a columnist on maternity leave. Cullen, meanwhile, exhausted much of his first year finding his chi. What kind of cattle prod does it take these days to make a Globe columnist earn his feed? ...
He also provides the rules for the Kevin Cullen drinking game. Yes, you get points for every Irish reference.
And the Haitian columnist? And the Brazilian columnist? And the Vietnamese columnist? And the Russian columnist?
With Hendry Street condos going for record prices and soup kitchens and drug dens long since converted into chic bistros, it's just a wonderful time to be in Boston - unless you're a metro columnist for the Boston Globe, in which case it's become so hard to find local stories that you find yourself writing about poor people in Uganda and Catholic food pantries in Washington, DC.
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