The Supreme Judicial Court today dismissed Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone's lawsuit against a New York blog and one of its writers under the state wiretap law, because the guy asked if he could record a phone "interview" with Curtatone, and the wiretap law only bars "secretly" recorded conversations. Read more.
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The Globe self reports that the suspension is without pay - and that he will also be barred from doing any interviews with other media outlets for several months after that. Read more.
And it's bringing in "a third party with expertise" as it investigates allegations that he made stuff up.
Does Kevin Cullen still smell the Marathon explosions?
WEEI's Kirk Minihane yesterday ripped into Kevin Cullen for two bombing-related columns - one over the weekend, the other a couple days after the bombings. In the first column, he wrote that Martin Richard's father was a runner in the race; in the second, he made it sound like he was at the scene at the time of the explosions.
David Wade reports the Globe is now investigating Cullen's writing on the topic.
Kevin Cullen, who used to be a police-beat reporter, gives Daniel Keeler a sendoff, describing him as a tough-but-fair champion of justice. David Bernstein, who once took a critical look at the BPD homicide unit on which Keeler served, is not quite so charitable.
State Rep.
Yeah, how dare Deval Patrick not excoriate Blue Cross Blue Shield for the $28 million it's paid out to its last t
So last summer, Kevin Cullen spent his summer vacation in Delaware. And now we know he spent his summer vacation this year in New Jersey. Maybe next summer, if the Globe still offers employees vacations, it can just leave his space blank the day after his break, so readers can write down their own thoughts.
Kevin Cullen does a nice job explaining how a company that paid a $50-million fine for supplying substandard concrete for the Big Dig is now getting s
Globe columnist Cullen likens relationship between Globe and NYT Co. to that between debtor and loan shark.
People wouldn't have to pay taxes if they're lovable scamps. It's right up there with his let Townies kill a Vermonter before they die plan.
Kevin Cullen sticks up for Chuck Turner today, decrying the court order that prevents him from publicly discussing any pre-trial evidence the feds hand over to his lawyers.
Three things:
Is it a bit odd that Cullen is writing about the court order when the Globe itself has yet to report on it? That might explain why he doesn't discuss the part of the order in which the judge slaps around the U.S. Attorney's office for its prosecution of the case to date.
Second, the Caped Columnist really should find his own voice instead of imitating Howie Carr and making up monickers for the people he writes about ("Comrade Turner," how droll).
Third, Tovarisch Cullen places great emphasis on video of Turner allegedly accepting a bribe:
Anybody who hasn't seen that video, or read or heard talk about it, is either dead, deaf, or blind, and in any case is so insulated from everyday life as to preclude them from being qualified to sit in judgment of a parking violation, much less a man's liberty.
Last I checked, I still have a pulse; I can hear you, my loyal reader, whining about me bashing Cullen yet again; and I can see Cullen's lead, something about Kate Winslet, perfectly fine. And yet, I've never seen that video!
Where is it? I've certainly seen the screen capture (or as Clever Kev might call it, "the photo") the feds released, purportedly from a video. But actual movin' pictures of Chuck Turner being handed a wad of bills? Anybody have a URL for that?
Yesterday, Kevin Cullen declared Boston the Worst City in the World because we haven't seen fit to temporarily rename a street after some rock band that played here once. Hey, Kevin, I'm personally outraged there's no plaque commemorating the time the seminal rock band the B-52s played the Orpheum back in the early 1980s, whom can I call, and can I count on your support?
Today, Adrian Walker does one of his patented rewrite jobs and explains that a) There's a big hole in the middle of Downtown Crossing, b) Tom Menino refused to walk by it the other day and c) The city's in a heap of financial trouble. Absolutely none of which we'd read in any Globe stories over the past week, right?
Yesterday, Yvonne Abraham brought us to tears with her column about the loving couple married for 62 years who died within hours of each other.
Today, Kevin Cullen tries to get us mad at Vermont because a thug from Charlestown out for some country air or something up there went after a guy with an ax and wound up getting himself killed.
What will tomorrow bring? No doubt Adrian Walker will have us gripping the edges of our seats with his thoughts on Bob DeLeo.
As Adam Reilly notes, Kevin Cullen can write a great column when he wants to.
Aaron Weber explains why Cullen's recent Ungrateful Sallie Mae column does a good job at pulling
They must've been eating their columnist Wheaties, because last week we didn't have a single column about state fairs in other parts of the country or boring thumbsuckers called in at the last moment. They actually worked it.
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