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By adamg - 7/5/08 - 2:39 pm

Valerie reports her uncle lived in a Stoneham house destroyed in a three-alarm fire last night:

I am so grateful it happened at 10pm instead of 2am. If it had happened later I fear we would be planning a funeral today. John said it spread really fast. He overheard his downstairs neighbor on the phone to her DH saying that she had a candle going and it caught the curtains on fire.

By adamg - 6/19/07 - 1:44 pm

Sorry, it's not really that exciting a thing, but I just can't say spuckie without an exclamation point. In any case, Richard A. reports that Dairy Dome in Stoneham sells D-Boy spuckies(!) - three eggs, ham, cheese and BBQ sauce. In fact, a gander at their menu shows they offer entire spuckie trays!

Spuckie, spuckie, spuckie!

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