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By adamg - 5/31/24 - 10:59 pm

Just a year ago, the perpetual candidate said she was hanging up her nominating petitions and retiring from running every year. But Garrison tells CommonWealth Beacon (scroll down a bit) the only reason she's not running for anything this year is because she's focusing on running for mayor of Boston next year.

By adamg - 5/30/24 - 4:48 pm

The state House of Representatives today passed a measure that would give Boston 205 new liquor licenses - most designated for Zip codes where large national chains have little to no interest in setting up shop - to dole out over the next three years. Read more.

By adamg - 5/30/24 - 11:17 am

The Christian Science Monitor takes a look at Boston's incredibly low murder rate this year (so far, 3, compared to 18 in the same period in 2023; other violent crimes are also down, if not as dramatically). Read more.

By adamg - 5/30/24 - 9:34 am

Dan Kennedy discusses a Times story on some alleged Russian dupe who's set up a series of "news" sites to spread disinformatsiya around the US, including the alleged Boston Times. What, you've never heard of it? The Times fills you in on what you're missing: Read more.

By adamg - 5/30/24 - 9:19 am

Mandercamp asks:

Boston, who has the best egg rolls available for delivery? I like 'em crispy and thick.

By adamg - 5/29/24 - 9:32 am

The Herald reports that Jorge Mendoza-Iturralde, one of the North End restaurant owners with beef over dining on patios on public sidewalks plans to run for mayor against Michelle Wu next year. Read more.

By adamg - 5/26/24 - 3:11 pm

Donnie Palmer, running again as a Republican against incumbent US Rep Ayanna Pressley, says she should be executed by hanging for treason and that he'd be happy to put the noose around her neck himself. Read more.

By adamg - 5/26/24 - 1:55 pm
Fisher walking through the Capitol

Fisher ambles through the Capitol on Jan. 6, moments before attacking a Capitol cop.

A federal judge on Friday sentenced former BPD K9 officer Joseph Robert Fisher to 20 months in prison and two years of probation both for embedding himself in the screaming mob that failed to stop American democracy at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in general and ramming a chair into a Capitol police officer then pushing him to the ground in particular. Read more.

By adamg - 5/22/24 - 3:06 pm

GBH has posted details of its cuts today: 31 people were laid off and Greater Boston, Talking Politics and Basic Black shows are being taken off the air. Read more.

By mcshugar - 5/22/24 - 10:19 am

A mighty little light particle has jogged (read: teleported?) its first quantum marathon around the universal hub in a groundbreaking new scientific study. Harvard phsyicists used existing Boston-area telecommunication fiber networks to send the particle over a roughly 22-mile loop through Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Boston between two quantum computers located a floor apart in Harvard labs.

Think of it as a simple, closed internet between point A and B, carrying a signal encoded not by classical bits like the existing internet, but by perfectly secure, individual particles of light.

By adamg - 5/21/24 - 2:57 pm

A man locked up in a federal detention facility as he awaits trial on drug-trafficking charges was charged again today: This time for an alleged plot in which he was willing to pay to have the two assistant US attorneys handling his case in Boston court, a person he suspected of ratting him out and two rival drug dealers murdered. Read more.

By adamg - 5/18/24 - 4:52 pm

Andy asks:

Do you know if anyone around here sells maple bar/long john donuts? Doesn't seem very common around here!

By adamg - 5/17/24 - 10:11 pm
acts like Karen Read, Rosemary Scapicchio, Marty the Robot, Nancy Kerrigan, Bill Galvin's Eyebrows, Your Cousin from Boston, Smiley Face Killer, Carcasses of Michael Dukakis, Kevin's Mom from No on Question 4, Caldor, Fenway Bullpen Cop, Jesus Is Lord Guy, the Dunkings

Megan Johnson had some spare time today, so she came up with the bill for the Boston Calling for folks who keep up with the weird and wonderful world of Boston, with a playlist that stretches from the '90s to today. See it larger.

By mcshugar - 5/16/24 - 1:27 pm

A mighty little light particle has jogged (read: teleported?) its first quantum marathon around the universal hub in a groundbreaking new scientific study. Harvard phsyicists used existing Boston-area telecommunication fiber networks to send the particle over a roughly 22-mile loop through Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, and Boston between two quantum computers located a floor apart in Harvard labs.

Think of it as a simple, closed internet between point A and B, carrying a signal encoded not by classical bits like the existing internet, but by perfectly secure, individual particles of light.

By adamg - 5/15/24 - 10:12 am

CommonWealth Beacon takes a look at the controversy over ShotSpotter, the expensive system police in Boston and other cities use to locate the source of potential gunfire: BPD Commissioner Michael Cox stood by the system at a Monday hearing, but critics say it has a large number of false positives, which means people in the minority neighborhoods where the sensors are located are more likely to be grilled by police investigating false leads. Chicago announced earlier this year it's abandoning the system.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 2:58 pm

Mayor Wu and family and two BPS students are at the Vatican this week for a climate summit hosted by the Pope. Read more.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 8:20 pm

So far, the auroras we've seen have been a fun phenomenon but haven't caused any problems on earth. A series of auroras over several days in 1859, though, was so powerful they knocked out telegraph service across North American and Europe - and even started small fires in some telegraph offices, including in Springfield. Read more.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 4:46 pm

Henry Santoro reports that Jasper White, 69, has died.

White, born in New Jersey, became known for his seafood at Jasper's, which he opened in 1983, and Summer Shack. He closed Jasper's in 1995 to spend more time with his family - then opened the first Summer Shack across from the Alewife T stop. White, who also authored cookbooks, sold Summer Shack in 2017.

By adamg - 5/9/24 - 12:41 pm

CommonWealth Beacon takes a look over disagreements about how the city should deal with a declining office-space market - and the resulting potential loss of property taxes.

By adamg - 5/7/24 - 3:47 pm

The Courthouse News Service reports on a hearing today before the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston on the City Council's decades-long policy of having a local member of the clergy open its weekly meetings with an invocation.

The hearing came on the Satanic Temple's appeal of a district court judge's ruling allowing the council to continue not inviting the group to give an invocation.

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