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By adamg - 10/19/11 - 10:38 am

These stats just in from the T for the South Boston end of the Silver Line for January through August:

  • Total annual year-to-date ridership up 7.0% from 3,148,612 in 2010 to 3,368,580 in 2011.
  • Average weekday ridership up 5.7% from 15,015 in 2010 to 15,877 in 2011.
  • Average Saturday ridership up 67.3% from 5,550 in 2010 to 9,285 in 2011.
  • Average Sunday ridership up 8.0% from 8,422 in 2010 to 9,098 in 2011.
By adamg - 10/4/11 - 10:55 am

A man who jumped into Boston Harbor from the roof deck at Whiskey Priest in August has gotten the bar in hot water.

A manager at the Northern Avenue watering hole told Boston Licensing Board Chairwoman Nicole Murati Ferrer today they've added additional staff to the deck and posted 10 to 12 signs around the deck warning that harbor jumping will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - assuming they can catch the jumpers to begin with.

By adamg - 8/16/11 - 10:39 am

Masshole Jumps From Roof of Atlantic Beer Garden After Bruins Parade

The Atlantic Beer Garden found itself before the Boston Licensing Board this morning to explain why somebody jumped off its roof while holding a fake Stanley Cup on June 18.

It faces an additional hearing for another incident within the past month in which another man eating dinner on a waterside deck decided to take a swim as well.

Restaurant attorney Jeremiah Sullivan said the Bruins jump was not something the restaurant could have anticipated and that in response, the restaurant has installed a fence and is meeting with local police to try to keep people from scaling to the top of the restaurant's roof again. The topmost part of the restaurant is not public and already had a fence.

"How did a man with a fake Stanley Cup get over that without being noticed by anyone?" board Chairwoman Nicole Murati Ferrer asked. Restaurant manager Joseph Primo said nobody noticed the guy climbing up there because it was a very busy night.

Police Sgt. Robert Mulvey said the Bruins jumper attracted quite the crowd. "The crowd was very agitated and excited about what had happened and encouraged him to do it again."

Primo acknowledge he did not call police. He said that in hindsight, he should have, but the jumper left quickly and there appeared to be no safety issues once he left.

The board decides Thursday what action, if any, to take related to the Bruins incident.

By adamg - 8/11/11 - 10:14 am

The Globe reports construction's set to begin next spring on a 21-story residential and retail building on Pier 4. The restaurant named for the pier and founder Anthony Athanas is slated to eventually be torn down, its land turned into a waterfront part; developers say the restaurant may be moved into another building slated for a later part of the pier project.

By icoverthewaterfront - 8/6/11 - 11:36 am

The Longfellow Bridge has its design challenges ahead, and the BU bridge has been no picnic for engineers.

But another bridge in Boston – the Chelsea Street bridge between Chelsea and East Boston – is a simple affair. By the end of the summer, the new bridge, designed by HNTB and built by J.F. White of Framingham, may be complete. It may even happen ahead of schedule.

Although the men working with iron above the river are having no trouble, the men who move mud below it have been facing a dozen daunting engineering tasks for over a year.

They’re all trying to figure out how to make the channel for oil tankers wider. Engineers, pilots, tug captains, oil companies, private landowners, and Coast Guard and Army personnel have been at the drawing board for two years now.

The new bridge, after all, will span the more than 200-ft. wide channel without interruption. That’s thanks to two superstructures that now dominate the Chelsea skyline (anyone can see them from the Tobin Bridge). So the bridge, when opened, might be wide enough to fit a “Panamax” oil tanker headed to the Gulf, Irving and Global tanks upstream.


By adamg - 7/26/11 - 8:28 pm

A perplexed visitor inquires:

About 15 or so years ago, I was in Boston, maybe by the Aquarium, and noticed a statue in the harbor, kind of on the wall at the edge, of a sailor climbing out of the water. As the tide comes in, the body (statue) is covered and at high tide all you see is a hand reaching up. Do you have any idea what this, where this is, or if it even exists?

By adamg - 6/22/11 - 7:53 am

WBUR reports on the groundbreaking for the new Vertex headquarters next to the federal courthouse.

By adamg - 6/19/11 - 7:08 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com posts video of last night's Parade of Lights in Boston Harbor.

By adamg - 6/16/11 - 7:54 pm

Bergeron and Stanley Cup

Michael Ratty was at Tia's at Long Wharf this afternoon when Bruins showed up with the Cup (Marchand kissing it).

By adamg - 6/13/11 - 6:05 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com reports a Suffolk Superior Court judge has overturned the state's permit for turning the shelter at the end of Long Wharf into a seafood restaurant.

By adamg - 6/2/11 - 7:58 am

The Globe reports the push comes after Monday's Carson Beach incident:

“They're perfectly suited to do a lot of important jobs in policing," [Commissioner Ed] Davis said of State Police. "They’re not as well suited to doing community policing in the neighborhoods in Boston."

By adamg - 4/14/11 - 10:43 pm

Dunkin thiefBoston Police have posted a couple of photos of a guy they say held up the Dunkin' Donuts on

By adamg - 1/7/11 - 10:36 am

Waterfront lights

Greg MacKay strolled around the South Boston waterfront one recent night. On another recent night, Julie Ciollo watched the sun go down from the top of the Prudential.

Boston at sunset

Copyright Greg MacKay and Julie Ciollo, respectively. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

By adamg - 12/14/10 - 7:01 pm

Karen Cord Taylor finds much to like about the SimCity-like development happening on the 1,000 acres between the Reserved and Fort Point channels, but worries about what isn't being defined in the plans:

So far no plans call for schools, a community health center, post offices, a Y, baseball fields, a soccer pitch, public tennis courts, a skating rink or libraries - public realms as important as green spaces where you sit and enjoy fountains. ...

By adamg - 12/5/10 - 10:48 am

Hood bottle

Vikas Anand shows us the holiday Hood bottle.

By JohnAKeith - 9/29/10 - 10:15 pm

I'm still not sure Boston magazine isn't running one of those "find the fake article in this month's issue, win $100!" contests but I guess it's for real.

In the October 2010 issue, on newsstands now, there is a short article by Francis Storrs with the title "The Greenway Problem" that breaks the news that the Rose Kennedy Greenway, I'm sorry, let me rephrase that, the three-year-old Rose Kennedy Greenway, is going to be rebranded as the "Waterfront District" in 2011.

It's not the city or state who is doing it but ... wait for it ... a "local real estate firm".

Boston-based branding company Kelley Habib John has been hired to handle the task.

Company founder Greg John won't reveal his client's name (shall I offer some guesses?) and won't "[a]t least until the client has informed city officials, Greenway neighbors, and Kennedy family representatives ..."

(Of course, it's always been known as the "Waterfront District" to residents, so I don't get what this is really trying to achieve.)

By adamg - 9/21/10 - 11:04 pm

The BRA details the Seaport Square project on the South Boston waterfront, which will create 20 new city blocks on what is now largely a set of parking lots.

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