By Boston Care - 6/3/12 - 6:15 pm

Ai-Jen Poo, a gifted community organizer recently honored by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, will speak at the Greater Boston Care Congress on June 16th. The Congress will launch the Massachusetts Caring Across Generations Campaign, part of a national movement to unite care workers, seniors, members of the disability community, and allies in order to create jobs, win affordable care services, and transform the care industry. The Massachusetts Domestic Worker’s Alliance will convene in the morning at the same location to draft legislation for a Massachusetts Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights.

Poo is a daughter of pro-democracy immigrants from Chiang Kai-shek’s Taiwan who has been active for decades in worker-led groups. She was influential in New York’s recent passage of a historic Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights and is providing leadership for the new national campaign, Caring Across Generations.

Caring Across Generations is the movement-building campaign of a national coalition of several hundred organizations representing care workers and care consumers. The Massachusetts Caring Across Generations Campaign is led by a steering committee of local organizations including 1199/SEIU, Mass Senior Action Council, Massachusetts Coalition of Domestic Workers, and Massachusetts Jobs With Justice.

By david_yamada - 5/12/10 - 11:01 am

Boston has been identified as one of "20 Cities Surviving the Recession" in a piece by Miranda Marquit posted on Yahoo!:

By adamg - 1/28/10 - 2:13 pm

Lynch channelled his inner George Bailey and ripped into Old Man Potter the treasury secretary over the AIG bailout.

By Project Bread - 11/20/09 - 12:33 pm

Project Bread, the state’s leading antihunger organization, released numbers from its upcoming annual status report on hunger in the Commonwealth. The disquieting trends described in this report, caused by high unemployment, point to 554,000 people in the Commonwealth struggling with hunger. Food insecurity has found its way into middle class suburbs and has driven low-income people further into crisis. The report argues for a public health approach and asks that the state continue to bring systemic solutions to scale — especially healthy school and summer food programs for kids.

By adamg - 11/20/09 - 9:49 am

WBUR reports that yesterday's announced drop in statewide unemployment numbers - the first in two years - actually masks a record number of underemployed people, i.e., people who have taken part-time jobs because they can't find full-time work.

By adamg - 11/2/09 - 3:46 pm

And that's not a good thing, the Boston Business Journal reports.

By neilv - 7/22/09 - 6:34 am

Sarah Schweitzer of the Globe reports how the depressed economy of Lawrence is affecting people there.

By adamg - 6/3/09 - 10:44 am posts a statement from Italia Unita that it's calling off the annual festival because of the current economi

By neilv - 6/1/09 - 7:12 am

Dunkin Donuts has launched a $10 million marketing campaign to promote donuts as affordable comfort food in this economic climate, the

By adamg - 5/28/09 - 8:43 am

Jeff Darcy reports that he and pretty much everyone else who worked at SiCortex in Maynard was laid off yesterday:

... Right now I’ll just say this: in many of the ways that are important to me as an engineer, SiCortex succeeded. Yeah, that's right. We set out to do something very difficult and risky - to place a bet on computing that's characterized by energy efficiency, high density, fast communication and high processor counts instead of raw single-thread performance - and we made it work. We made it work technically, and we made it work in the market. ...

The only failure that mattered was not technical, nor in any area of customer-oriented execution: it was purely a matter of finance and timing. There is every reason to believe that our next system based on our next chip was going to be awesome, pushing our flagship system well into the Top 500 even before we talk about linking them together, and development was well along. Unfortunately, such development is not cheap and that put us in a high-burn-rate phase right when the economy turned sour and capital became very scarce. That's like a "perfect storm" combination of circumstances. ...

By MarkNavin - 5/13/09 - 11:56 am

The hole in the middle of the city where Filene's used to be is supposed to be a sparkling new retail, office and condo tower someday.

By adamg - 5/9/09 - 1:03 pm

The Fenway Community Development Corp. ponders that question at its annual meeting on Monday, May 11.

Barry Bluestone from Northeastern, Beth Israel Deaconess COO Eric Buehrens and Amaad Rivera, the racial wealth divide initiative leader at United For a Fair Economy, will discuss.

It's 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the new Fenway Health Center, 1340 Boylston St.

By adamg - 5/1/09 - 9:54 pm

Folio reports that Boston/Framingham-based IDG today cut 8% of its US staff and smushed all of its business-to-business publications into a single unit. This comes atop 10% pay cuts for B2B employees last month.

Paul Conley (who actually broke the story), discusses.

Ed note: If anybody needs to hire an outstanding online video and audio editor suddenly free of his previous responsibilities, let me know.

By adamg - 4/24/09 - 9:13 am

The Crimson reports on preparations for faculty buyout offers at Harvard.

By adamg - 4/10/09 - 9:55 am

Wicked Local Brookline has built a map now that you're probably

By adamg - 4/6/09 - 11:20 am

Rich photographs the new signs for a "credit repair" company in what used to be a mortgage broker's office at Morton Street and Blue Hill Avenue.

By adamg - 3/20/09 - 6:13 pm

Paul Levy reports medical department chiefs at the hospital have started a Physicians Support BIDMC Fund and that, to date, senior docs have agreed to forego more than

By adamg - 3/19/09 - 8:46 pm
Down with AIG

Aaron Donovan covered dual protests this morning in the Financial District against AIG and Bank of America.

Copyright Aaron Donovan.

By adamg - 3/11/09 - 9:45 pm

32 people in classified sales and advertising, the Herald reports.

One of those people promptly went over to Davis Square to try to cadge a drink off Bono.

By adamg - 3/10/09 - 12:08 pm

The Boston Business Journal posts some numbers - Boston residents reported a 7.4% unemployment rate in January, compared to 4.7% in January, 2008.