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By anon - 9/5/08 - 3:36 pm

Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), the state's largest business advocacy organization with more than 7,000 Bay State businesses and institutions who collectively employ more than 675,000 employees, released the third edition of its biennial Legislative Scorecard. The Scorecard is designed to evaluate the pro-business voting record of each of the members of the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives.

By Barbara Diamond - 3/13/08 - 2:10 pm

Folks, it is time to stop talking about recession and deal with reality. We are headed into a full-blown depression. All the historical precedents have been met.

Retail Sales Plunge by 0.6 Percent

Unemployment is skyrocketing. We don't know how bad the problem is because the US government's figures cannot be trusted.

Right now 20% of American homes are in arrears on their mortgage payments. 20% are in trouble with the IRS. Those are depression era levels.

By adamg - 1/23/08 - 1:36 pm

Amy Derjue poses the question after reading a report on a 600% (!) increase in Massachusetts since 2005 and then following that up with a BostonNow report that the Massachusetts economy is doing just fine.

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