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By NikiL - 3/12/14 - 9:36 am

Team Brookline has 42 runners, 4 charitable causes…
and advice from its own mental health expert.

Everyone who ran in, attended, watched, supported the Marathon last year keenly felt the effects of the day and what followed. For many of us, those feelings will come flooding back this year on April 21. But runners training for this year’s Boston Marathon are deep into that experience already.

That’s why Team Brookline is drawing on the expertise of a special coach this year: a mental health expert who will talk with the Team as part of its training regimen.

By Socializing4Justice - 2/11/14 - 2:04 pm

Happy Valentine's Day! Ready to meet some like-minded progressives? Then you'll want to join us for Dating While Progressive, a fun and welcoming singles party!

Haven't been to a Socializing for Justice event? It’s time to meet the friendly faces of the group that’s grown to over 2200 members, hosted 145+ events and fostered hundreds of connections since our founding 6+ years ago.

By Socializing4Justice - 1/29/14 - 8:56 pm

Are you at a nonprofit that's overwhelmed by technology? Do you feel like the unimaginable pile of tech you're working with isn't quite paying off with less work? Is it frustrating that even with extensive data management tools at your disposal, you're not able to efficiently manage or create reports from your data?
Join Socializing for Justice for a ProfDev (professional development) training on Data Lifecycle Management on Monday, February 3, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.
Fee: $10 advance/$20 door
Limited space - register ahead of time: www.sojust.org

By Socializing4Justice - 1/25/14 - 2:34 pm

Happy Valentine's Day! Ready to meet some like-minded progressives? Then you'll want to join us for Dating While Progressive, a fun and welcoming singles party!

Haven't been to a Socializing for Justice event? It’s time to meet the friendly faces of the group that’s grown to over 2200 members, hosted 145+ events and fostered hundreds of connections since our founding 6+ years ago.

Cost: $5-$20 collected at the door.
(every $10 includes a raffle ticket)

Complimentary appetizers will be provided.

By adamg - 1/5/14 - 4:48 pm

Matt Karolian suddenly finds himself in need of one. Recommendations?

By adamg - 12/8/13 - 2:13 pm

One Thing That Makes City Hall Special

The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics put together this video of people getting married in City Hall. Also see the Tumblr site.

By adamg - 5/21/13 - 7:49 am

Felicia reports on all the replies she's gotten from guys who were not the guy she regrets not getting digits from at a Davis Square restaurant, most notably from a guy who asks her out and says that among his assets is a Lexus with a GPS.

By Anonymous - 1/5/13 - 7:48 pm

[float=right]IMAGE(http://i865.photobucket.com/albums/ab217/dianaroo/scott_lively.jpg)[/float]Scott Lively, the founder of Abiding Truth Ministries, goes on trial Monday at 11AM for 'crimes against humanity' in Massachusetts Federal Court.

New York Times:

The lawsuit alleges that beginning in 2002, Mr. Lively conspired with religious and political leaders in Uganda to whip up anti-gay hysteria with warnings that homosexuals would sodomize African children and corrupt their culture. The Ugandan legislature considered a bill in 2009, proposed by one of Mr. Lively’s Ugandan contacts, that would have imposed the death sentence for homosexual behavior. That bill was at first withdrawn after an outcry from the United States and European nations that are among major aid donors to Uganda, but a revised bill was reintroduced last month.

Mr. Lively is being sued by the organization Sexual Minorities Uganda under the alien tort statute, which allows foreigners to sue in American courts in situations alleging the violation of international law. The suit claims that Mr. Lively’s actions resulted in the persecution, arrest, torture and murder of homosexuals in Uganda.

By adamg - 12/30/12 - 10:30 pm

Bob Lawler reports the loud booms heard from Hyde Park to Uphams Corner to South Boston around 9:30 tonight were actually "a not so private fireworks show for a very big wedding" at the Boston Harbor Hotel.

Photos | Video.

By adamg - 12/27/12 - 11:32 am

Local man seeks advice:

If one were to look for a quiet restaurant at which to break up with a woman whom one has been seeing for a while, and one is married, where might one go? Yes, yes, bad, bad. Back Bay preferred, as is someplace VERY private, quiet, out of the way, yet public enough in case things get "messy."

Via Marc Hurwitz.

By adamg - 11/13/12 - 6:44 am

DotRat has video of a guy proposing to his girlfriend right on the floor of the home of the scorpion bowl this past weekend.

By Socializing4Justice - 7/11/12 - 1:52 pm

Recess for Justice is going down at the Stony Brook court right off Lamartine Street in JP on Saturday, July 28th, from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. (Exit Stony Brook T station on the Orange line, walk directly across the street to the park - we'll be on the field and in the courts right in front of you.) We’re hoping for a sunny summer day!

Bring your favorite outdoor game or check out the assortment of fun we'll have on hand: Frisbees, kickball & chalk (for 4-square!), jump rope, basketball, softball (bring a glove) and whatever other randomness we can think of. If it's hot we can run through the fountain sprinkler to cool off. Check out the photos from previous Recess for Justice events in 2007, 2008, and 2009!

RSVP at www.sojust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!

Fee: $2 cash at the event

By adamg - 7/7/12 - 11:09 pm

The Times reports on today's nuptials, presided over by Gov. Patrick.

By adamg - 5/4/12 - 6:22 pm

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today gave a probate judge permission to block a Cape woman from setting up a competitor to her ex-husband's feed and grain business as part of the divorce settlement.

The ruling does not mean the woman will now have to give up the feed and grain she set up - in the same building from which her husband's concern was evicted on her request - only that the judge in the case will have the legal authority to reconsider the husband's request that she be forced to knock it off.

By adamg - 4/11/12 - 3:47 pm

The City Council today adopted new rules that will limit new City Clerk Maureen Feeney's ability to pick up some side cash by performing weddings.

City Councilor Matt O'Malley (West Roxbury) said the new rules will bring transparency to a government function and some extra money to city government. At the State House, state Rep. Marty Walz (D-Back Bay) is pushing similar legislation to limit the ability of city and town clerks to make money through weddings during business hours.

Under the new regulation, proposed by City Councilor Mike Ross (Mission Hill), any fees for weddings performed during business hours at City Hall will go into city coffers, rather than Feeney's pocket. Previously, Feeney and her predecessor, Rosaria Salerno, could keep the $15 fee for "solemnizing" a wedding.

In addition, the new regulation limits City Hall Weddings to the hours of 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - although Ross said an "emergency provision" would let would-be spouses apply for a wedding at other times in unspecified emergency situations. But weddings performed by city officials outside City Hall during any business hours are now prohibited, although Ross added that that just means people will now get married "in this beautiful building."

By adamg - 3/27/12 - 1:57 pm

Vaguest Missed Connection ever?

You: green shirt and jeans, brown kinda spiky/messy hair, nice body. Me: green dress, blonde, with a bunch of my girlfriends. I saw you checking me out, and we made eye contact once or twice, but you never came over and talked. Would love to connect! Tell me about you and tell me the name of the bar we were at.

Put the name of your favorite brand of beer in the subject line so I know you're real.

H/t Brian Smith.

By adamg - 3/6/12 - 8:05 am

Donna Halper asks:

My husband and I are about to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Can you suggest a restaurant with excellent food and romantic atmosphere?

Some answers below (first batch will take a moment to appear):

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