By adamg - Thu, 04/02/2020 - 9:55pm

Starting tomorrow, DCR is closing the parking areas and spaces along the water from Constitution Beach in East Boston to Castle Island and down to Wollaston Beach because too many people were showing up at the beaches and not spacing themselves out enough.

Affected areas: Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 12/12/2019 - 5:11pm

DCR posted this work to advertise its yearly unlimited parking pass for state parks. It's only $60, although DCR does allow as how it's not edible.

By adamg - Thu, 11/14/2019 - 10:37am

DCR officials will be visiting Roslindale and Jamaica Plain twice in a week to discuss ways to make the Arborway and Centre Street safer from Hebrew SeniorLife and Forest Hills up to Jamaica Pond - even as expansion plans at Faulkner Hospital could mean more cars on the road. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 07/11/2019 - 9:33am

Some 100 area bicyclists took up positions as flexposts on the Fenway this morning to call for more permanent plastic sticks to better protect people riding in the bike lanes along DCR roads - and to do something about the intersection where a bicyclist died after being hit by a cement truck at the intersection with Brookline Avenue. Read more.

By adamg - Sun, 06/16/2019 - 1:02pm

State officials held a formal dedication for the new playground at Camp Meigs Playground in Readville yesterday - complete with the ceremonial cutting of a red ribbon with large golden shears - but the kids in attendance mostly paid no attention at all, because they were too busy playing on all the cool new stuff. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 06/04/2018 - 10:23am

Humans of Hyde Park interview Arielle Spivey and Lawrence Wyche, who have been leading an effort with the Southwest Community Development Corp. to transform
the fenced-off field of weeds and concrete on River Street across from Rosa Street back into the park it once was. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 11/30/2017 - 1:09pm

The recently finished DCR repaving of Truman Parkway in Hyde Park included the creation of a bike lane on the southbound side. But as Vivian Gerard discovered and photographed yesterday morning, motorists responded to the new lane by ignoring it. It's especially bad in front of the apartment building at 605 Truman, just before Fairmount Avenue, but a quick drive at lunchtime today showed both car owners and truck drivers ignoring the lane south of Fairmount as well.

By adamg - Fri, 11/24/2017 - 6:17pm

A roving UHub photographer noticed DCR's announcement that it won't be emptying the trash receptacles on the Esplanade from now until April:

Looks like some slob has already started what will probably end up being a mountain of dog waste bags by April 1. What gives?

By adamg - Thu, 10/12/2017 - 9:53am

The Bulletin reports DCR Commissioner Leo Roy made a special trip to Hyde Park to deny that the state parks and parkways agency wishes Hyde Park would just fall off the earth, already. Sure, the Thompson Center remains a festering pit, but how about that impending Truman Parkway repaving?

By adamg - Sun, 08/20/2017 - 1:01pm

The Lonely Wizard enjoyed meeting a pair of DCR rangers and their steeds at Smith Field in Hyde Park this morning.

By adamg - Sat, 07/15/2017 - 10:56am

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports DCR has decided not to convert a street-hockey rink on Anson Street into a dog park because of opposition from street-hockey fans.

By adamg - Fri, 06/02/2017 - 5:17pm

DCR is alerting pedestrians and bicyclists they better stay off Mem. Drive between Western Avenue and Mount Auburn Street in Cambridge this Sunday, because it will be open to traffic so that motorists don't have to be inconvenienced by the narrowing of the turnpike across the river.

By adamg - Wed, 04/12/2017 - 10:42am

Clayton Harper provides an overview of the changes DCR is proposing for the intersection of Parkman Drive and Perkins Street on the northern side of Jamaica Pond, such as installing traffic lights and new paths and narrowing the roads on either side of the intersection to force drivers to slow down.

By adamg - Mon, 03/20/2017 - 8:59pm

Backers of a plan to turn a needle-infested, abandoned recreation complex in Stony Brook Reservation into a dog park get a chance to convince DCR to let them go forward at a meeting in Hyde Park on Tuesday. Read more.

By adamg - Sun, 10/02/2016 - 11:03am

Sure, Matthew Sisk wasn't looking too good after using DCR resources for a private party for Republicans, but the Herald reports what got his superiors to show him the door was the way he used the sirens and lights in his state car to blast through traffic on Congress Street.

By adamg - Mon, 08/22/2016 - 11:43am

It was a flashing green light, State Police say, that made a female DCR worker at Houghton's Pond in Milton realize somebody was videoing her - by way of a small pen camera. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:58am

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that two Newton homeowners can't reclaim land once used for a rail line behind their houses because the federal government never formally declared the line "abandoned," even though it hasn't seen a train since 1972 - in part because the railroad tore out the rails in 1976. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 06/13/2016 - 9:52am

Malia Lazu reports she went down to Carson Beach with a paddle board yesterday, figuring she'd get a little water exercise in. But, she continues: Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 09/10/2015 - 2:13pm

The Patriot Ledger and WATD report DCR is looking at letting up to 240 hunters into the 6,000-acre reservation over a four-day period in early December to cull an expanding deer herd that officials say threaten both reservation habitat and public health. Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 02/19/2015 - 8:57am

Last night, Vasant Marur was out for a stroll along Park Drive when he noticed guys in Bobcats clearing snow from the roadway by pushing it into mounds along the curb, where it promptly rolled onto the previously clear sidewalks, blocking them.

But rather than just take a photo and tweet about it, Marur looked for the supervisor of the operation - a MassDOT guy, since Park Drive is owned by DCR:

I had a friendly chat and indicated that all the snow was falling onto the sidewalk. He was nice about it, stepped out of the truck and realized the problem. They are now clearing the sidewalk as I type this up.