Update: Bruce found, reunited with family.
Boston and state first responders responded to the end of Southview Street in Dorchester, where a woman walking her dog suffered critical injuries when she was hit by lightning around 3:20 p.m. Read more.
Update: Bruce found, reunited with family.
Boston and state first responders responded to the end of Southview Street in Dorchester, where a woman walking her dog suffered critical injuries when she was hit by lightning around 3:20 p.m. Read more.
Not just because of the heat, but because the National Weather Service says we can expect severe weather anytime through 8 p.m. or so, and that means: Read more.
Chelsea Scanner compiled video of last night's storming over Chelsea: Read more.
People with phones set up for emergency messages were warned this afternoon to leave the Esplanade as a line of thunderstorms approached south of Boston. State Police stopped letting people onto the Esplanade to reduce the number of people they might have to move out in a hurry had the heavy rain and lightning reached the Charles, which it didn't. Read more.
Hugmajesty captured some of the lightning over Allston this evening. Read more.
Boston Timelapse captured what appears to be a lightning strike at Logan from a National Park Service camera atop the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown. Read more.
Joan was at Nahant Beach this afternon when the storm showed up and just burst right over her head. She managed to get a couple of good shots "just before we grabbed our stuff and made a mad dash for the car."
Chelsea Scanner watched the storm advance from Chelsea, and watched the lightning streak down in the direction of Everett and Somerville: Read more.
T. Anderson captured the vibe during the storm at Forest Hills.
Elsewhere, Channel 7 reporters didn't have to even venture outside to get some news, lightning crashed and trees fell across the Boston area. Read more.
Sutherlabs used slow-motion capture to grab a video of some of last night's lightning show, in Brookline, looking northwest: Read more.
John in Eastie watched some impressive lightning from East Boston shortly after 8 p.m.
He took another shot shortly before 9 p.m., of a bolt possibly hitting in Cambridge: Read more.
John in Eastie watched the storm rumble across downtown; reports it looks like Zeus got a direct hit on International Place.
Around 5:40 p.m. Sheila watched lightning strike.
Matthew Ireland got some video: Read more.
Muerl got an ominous view on North Beacon Street in Brighton during the second of this afternoon's storms. Read more.
Caught in Southie has the video from the Columbia Yacht Club during this afternoon's storm.
Jonathan Berk enjoyed the drop in humidity that the storm brought to downtown Boston.
Up at Revere Beach, Marianna McCormick was among those forced to seek shelter from the storm: Read more.
Jonathan Berk captured a major lightning bolt around 4 p.m.
The National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning until 5 p.m.for parts of the Boston area, including the Back Bay.
Joe LaRusso reports the storm, which moved in around 7 a.m., knocked out power to roughly 2,700 homes and businesses in Roslindale and West Roxbury.
C. Carew looked out the window at Kosciusko Circle in Dorchester around 4:45 p.m., about when the National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm warning for Boston.
Matthew Ireland happened to snap a photo on his iPhone at just the right instant to get a lightning bolt heading to the ground this evening, only getting interrupted by the tower under construction in front of the Garden.
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