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Rose Kennedy Greenway

By adamg - 6/10/15 - 7:03 am
Chiofaro's proposed towers

One of these might have to go.

The Globe reports that City Hall is about to give the developer permission to put up at least one 600-foot tower at the site of his ugly Aquarium garage. But life is full of compromises and so City Hall will only let him build a total of 900,000 square feet of sheer awesomeness instead of the 1.2 million he feels is his due, which might limit the size of the second tower he wants to put there.

By adamg - 5/8/15 - 7:49 am
Echelman sculpture above the Rose Kennedy Greenway

Meaghan O'Malley shows us the view from her office of the Echelman floating sculpture above the Greenway.

By adamg - 5/5/15 - 3:41 pm

Greenway Echelman Sculpture – Installation Time-Lapse – 5.3.2015

Julian Tryba gives us the time-lapse of the installation of the Echelman piece above the Greenway.

By adamg - 5/3/15 - 11:51 am
New sculpture going up above the Rose Kennedy Greenway

Nick Barber shows us Janet Echelman's statue, being erected above the Greenway today.

By adamg - 5/1/15 - 9:13 am

Coming to the Greenway

NorthEndWaterfront.com tells us about the "aerial net LED sculpture" that will be erected on Sunday above the Greenway.

More on the Janet Echelman statue.

By adamg - 4/25/15 - 6:11 am

NorthEndWaterfront.com photographed the commemoration on the Greenway yesterday, attended by several thousand people.

By adamg - 4/7/15 - 9:32 am

The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy yesterday began work in its parks near the North End that will include replacing some of the current benches with "porch swings" that will let sitters sway with the breeze or a little foot power.

All the remaining current metal benches, which often get too hot to sit on in the summer, will also be replaced as part of the $400,000 project - which will also include new plantings in the Greenway segments on either side of Hanover Street :

By adamg - 11/5/14 - 9:14 am

The Boston Business Journal reports comments by the new New York owner of low-rise buildings along Cross Street next to the Greenway. He said he would talk to the North End community before announcing anything specific.

By adamg - 10/17/14 - 11:20 am
Proposed building at 55 India St.

Architect's rendering.

The BRA board yesterday approved a proposed 44-unit residential building at what has been a parking lot since the 1950s at 55 India St.

By adamg - 10/3/14 - 10:36 am

And what better place for it than the Greenway? Not because the 1919 sticky death flood happened there, but because the Greenway is where all memorials are supposed to go these days (and the state is seeking proposals for what to put atop Big Dig ramps).

By adamg - 10/2/14 - 5:50 pm

A park ranger was knocked to the ground around 5:30 p.m. at Milk and Surface streets by three to five guys on BMX bikes, who then pedaled off into downtown.

They're described as white, in hoodies, all with large black gauges in their ear lobes.

By adamg - 10/1/14 - 9:58 am

NorthEndWaterfront.com reports on a MassDOT/BRA meeting to consider how to cover the ramps leading to the tunnel under the Greenway.

Among the most interesting options presented for Parcels 12 and 6 were elevated pedestrian walkways that cover the ramps and provide above ground (~15' high) observation areas. The ramp covers and high decks could be designed to be similar to sections of the popular High Line park in Manhattan.

By adamg - 9/23/14 - 7:52 pm
New mural on the transportation building on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston.

Mark O'Neill took in a ska concert at the party to welcome Shinique Smith's new mural on that Big Dig structure on the Greenway in Dewey Square.

By adamg - 9/12/14 - 10:02 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com reports on the results of a BRA-hired consultant's report on the shadows Chiofaro's proposed two towers would cast on the Greenway - and the issue of whether the project would have any of the required "open space."

By adamg - 9/10/14 - 3:14 pm

Matthew Jennings, who ran the Farmstead cheese-shop-turned-bistro in Providence, plans to open a restaurant in the new Radian building, where the Dainty Dot factory used to be, 120 Kingston St.

By adamg - 7/28/14 - 10:08 am
Somebody in a stretchy bag on the Rose Kennedy Greenway

Photographynatalia captured a couple of people inside a stretchy sack at Figment Boston on the Greenway over the weekend.

Copyright Photographynatalia. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 7/27/14 - 9:54 am
Market Basket dinosaur

Stevil captured this bit of art yesterday at Figment Boston on the Greenway.

Copyright Stevil. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 6/25/14 - 4:53 pm
Proposed Chiofaro towers

Rendering by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. See it larger.

Developer Don Chiofaro, whose efforts to replace the Aquarium garage with a $1-billion pair of towers were thwarted by archnemesis Tom Menino, today proposed a $1-billion pair of towers for the site.

By adamg - 6/10/14 - 10:33 pm

Police are looking for a man in connection with a possible knifepoint sexual attack that happened around 9:45 p.m. on the Greenway somewhere north of South Station. The suspect is described as black, in his 40s, 5'10" with a chinstrap beard. He wore a gray sweatshirt.

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