By adamg - 4/17/07 - 3:25 pm always seems to launch some intrusive exciting new ad campaign the day something horrible happens. Like today:


Via the eagle-eyed Jonelle, who warns: Avert your eyes:

... Because nothing subtly underscores a tragic top news story like stick figures dancing in a sea of blinding orange. ...

The exploding-glass ad over news about the Emerson scaffolding collapse.

Dude, you look like American Idol exploded all over my screen.

By adamg - 12/20/06 - 10:13 pm

Charley on the MTA writes it's past time the legislature did something about rapacious cellular companies ripping off consumers by locking them into overpriced, shoddy service:

By adamg - 4/23/06 - 2:57 pm

David Weinberger follows up this Globe article about how Cingular refuses to prove its fewest-dropped-calls claim with

By adamg - 7/21/05 - 8:51 am

A Cingular ad on page A7 of the Globe today proclaims that Cingular puts more bars in more Boston places.