By hyattboycott - 9/19/09 - 6:29 pm

Unfortunately, Hyatt doesn't value its room cleaning staff one cent above minimum wage, because what they've done is to outsource all the housekeeping jobs to a minimum wage company that provides no benefits to its workers. If that's the priority Hyatt places on its room cleaning services, do you want to stay there again?

Here's a link to the WBZ story on the layoffs.

By neilv - 4/8/09 - 9:28 am

Globe reports:

Mayor Thomas M. Menino today will propose laying off 565 city workers, including public school teachers, police officers, and librarians, cutbacks that Boston officials said are needed to help balance the $2.4 billion city budget. [...] Signori said that if more unions agree to wage freezes and if stimulus money arrives in time, some jobs slated for elimination in the mayor's budget could be saved.

By Brett - 12/3/08 - 1:53 am

Aside from the tragic lack of punnage in the Boston Globe front-of-website story, the Globe's lame coverage neglects to dig into the matter with any kind of depth.