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Coolidge Corner

By adamg - 10/7/06 - 8:21 pm

Yoav walks from Harvard Square to Coolidge Corner in less time than if he had waited for the 66 bus:

... I saw no 66 bus at the station, started walking, kept on going, and was never passed by a 66 bus. How odd is that? The bus was supposed to run at regular 10 minutes intervals at that time, and I took a good 40-45 minutes to walk. ...

By adamg - 9/21/06 - 5:04 pm

Jeff explains why he will never again go to or recommend this sports bar.

By adamg - 9/9/06 - 3:31 pm


You can tell the building that now houses the Bank of America in Coolidge Corner predates the bank by eons because it has all sorts of interesting details, including the sorts of friezes you'd normally expect to see on old buildings in downtown Boston.

By adamg - 8/18/06 - 8:35 am

When Karrie and a clerk at the Coolidge Corner McDonald's can't agree on her order, the woman next in line explodes:

... At this point, a rabid bank teller pushed me (Me! all 6ft and 240 pounds+ piggybacking toddler!) and barked "Oh forchristsakes! Why didn't you make up your goddamn mind before you came here?" ...

Then it goes downhill from there.

By adamg - 8/8/06 - 2:16 pm

Signs abound, Johnny Sapphire writes:

By adamg - 12/1/05 - 1:16 pm

Help reunite this dog with its owner. Well, unless the owner abandoned her in the first place.

Update: Dog and owner reunited. All is happiness in Coolidge Corner once more.

By adamg - 10/12/05 - 11:28 pm

Hammy reports on a Booksmith appearance by a yoga guru that got out of hand:

... I witnessed grown, adult women trying to cut in line and the display of pushyness hearkened back to the days when there were a dozen Cabbage Patch Kids left on the shelf in some Toys R Us in New Jersey. ...

By adamg - 8/11/05 - 5:30 pm

Honey Bunny adds the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse to her short list of places to avoid in the neighborhood:

By adamg - 8/3/05 - 7:49 pm

Marc tries to interview the woman who stands at Beacon and Harvard yelling "ANIMAL ABUSE!" on Sunday mornings:

... I walked up to her and said, "Can I ask you a question?" She replied, "I don't have time for questions!" and went on screaming "ANIMAL ABUSE! SIGN!" When I didn't move she asked me to move out of her way, as if I was going to block her screaming. ...

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