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Billings Field

By adamg - 6/18/24 - 11:15 am
White paint on minivan on Lagrange Street next to Billings Field

Three concerned citizens filed 311 complaints this morning about paint vandalism at Billings Field and along Lagrange Street in West Roxbury, including one about a minivan covered in what was left of the white paint left in the can that the vandals left in the street. Read more.

By adamg - 10/22/22 - 3:49 pm
Painted pumpkins

Organizers of the first ever Westie Fest couldn't have asked for better weather. West Roxbury residents came to Billings Field for dancing, hot dogs and pizza, information about the new apartments up on West Roxbury Parkway and to paint dozens of small pumpkins, which they then set on a long table to dry.

Also making the rounds was Chuckie the Puggie: Read more.

By adamg - 5/20/22 - 12:22 pm
Seniors support senior center

West Roxbury seniors were out in force at Billings Field this morning to press Mayor Wu to help them get a neighborhood senior center built. Wu, there for one of her neighborhood coffee hours, gave them a shout out as she addressed the roughly 200 people who attended. Read more.

By adamg - 5/10/21 - 11:12 am

Boston Police report three teens playing on the basketball courts at Billings Field, off Bellevue Street in West Roxbury, were attacked by a larger group of eight to ten teens who challenged them to a fight sometime after 8 p.m. on Saturday night. Read more.

By adamg - 4/5/20 - 1:22 pm

All across Boston, kids convinced the 'rona's not going to get them have easily cut the zip ties city parks workers used to make basketball hoops unusable - except in West Roxbury, where a concerned citizen reports it took one "selfish young man" two whole days to figure out how to undue a zip tie at the basketball court at Billings Field.

By adamg - 8/1/14 - 12:54 pm

Seems local miscreants couldn't even wait for the official opening of the Lt. Edward Walsh and Firefighter Michael Kennedy Tot Lot at Billings Field in West Roxbury last week to do some damage.

The newly renamed and renovated play area opened last week with one feature already broken - a bell that's supposed to let little kids pretend they're on a firetruck, the parks department reports, adding:

By adamg - 6/6/14 - 12:49 pm
Billings Field in West Roxbury

Roving UHub photographer Genevieve McCulloch paused last night to look for some corn stalks at Billings Field in West Roxbury.

By adamg - 6/1/14 - 10:16 pm
At Billings Field in West Roxbury

Tim Sullivan reports the city DPW placed these altered cardboard boxes all over Billings Field in West Roxbury for the Corrib 5K race today. Surely, somebody at the DPW didn't spend time spray painting out "Thomas M. Menino, Mayor" on lots of cardboard trash receptacles, right?

By adamg - 2/18/09 - 7:00 pm

Unfortunately, unlike the kids who paid $25 for a bus ride from Billings Field last night, the police don't like to party.

Exclusive video of some partying Westie kids?

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