Bay Windows reports some 3rd Suffolk gays are crushing on Aaron Michlewitz as he runs to replace his former boss, Sal DiMasi:
... But despite the long list attributes that Goldman admires in the candidate, he couldn't resist returning to Michlewitz's pretty face when he introduced him to the crowd about 40, which included gay and straight supporters, later in the evening. ...
Meanwhile, independent 3rd Suffolk candidate John Keith has some fans among the architectural set. This ArchBoston post imagines a Boston under a Mayor John Keith (you listening, Mr. Menino?):
... A bright newcomer named John A. Keith came out of nowhere to defeat Menino. Keith fired the entire BRA, then personally selected a small brain-trust of like-minded free-thinkers --free, that is, from the stifling effects of unexamined book knowledge and academic norms. When they talked, these folks sounded much like some members of ArchBoston.
They went to work to fix Downtown. ...