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swine flu

By adamg - 7/1/09 - 5:03 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission made the announcement today:

One Boston resident was a 52-year-old man who died at his home on June 26. Test results came back today indicating he was positive for H1N1 influenza. The second Boston resident was a 30-year-old man who was hospitalized on June 15 and died June 29. He is a probable case of H1N1 influenza; the confirmatory test for H1N1 is pending at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

That brings our swine-flu death toll to four. City and state health officials say swine-flu cases appear to be on the wane in Boston.

By adamg - 6/29/09 - 4:15 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission says an 84-year-old man died of H1N1 on June 18, six days after he was admitted to a local hospital with flu-like symptoms.

The commission says it took until today to confirm his diagnosis and that he "had several serious underlying health conditions that placed him at high risk of complications from the flu."

State officials say flu-like illness has been on the wane of late in Massachusetts, but say people still need to take extra precautions, such as handwashing and covering your mouth when coughing. Particularly vulnerable to serious complications are kids under 2, adults over 65, pregnant women and people with chronic heart or lung ailments.

Boston reports first swine-flu death.

By adamg - 6/18/09 - 10:11 am

Barbara Ferrer: Boston public-health director.Barbara Ferrer: Boston public-health director.The city Public Health Commission is attempting to convince local businesses to not penalize workers who stay home for seven days either because they have the flu or they have to care for kids with it.

Barbara Ferrer, commission director, said seven days is the period required to ensure people are no longer infectious. "We really have asked the business community to help us with this," she said at a city-council hearing this morning called by Councilor Chuck Turner.

Also, she said, businesses need to trust their workers that they or their kids were sick, rather than forcing them to get notes from their doctors - because the medical system would be "doubled up" filling out all those notes.

By adamg - 6/15/09 - 2:37 pm

A 30-year-old woman died of swine flu yesterday after more than a week in the hospital, city public-health officials announced today, adding that Boston is experiencing "a tremendous amount of H1N1 activity" - higher than any other city in the country save New York.

By adamg - 6/11/09 - 3:42 pm

Boston Public Schools announced today it's shutting the Carter Development Center in the South End and the Louis Agassiz Elementary School in Jamaica Plain for a week due to high absenteeism that could be caused by Porky Pig's worst nightmare.

That makes 20 public and private schools that have been closed for a week due to the flu.

By adamg - 6/9/09 - 3:34 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission announced today it's shutting the Russell Elementary School in Dorchester, the Sumner in Roslindale and the Tobin in Roxbury due to high absenteeism that could be linked to swine flu.

All three schools will be shut effective tomorrow through Thursday, June 18.

That makes 17 public and private schools in Boston shut for a week due to H1N1. The Russell is on the same block as a Catholic school that was ordered shut yesterday, according to the Dorchester Reporter.

At the Russell, 81 of 370 students were out sick today; at the Sumner, 159 out of 501 and at the Tobin, 113 out of 428. All three schools also reported heavy absence rates among employees and "a significant number" of students who left school during the day with flu-like symptoms.

By adamg - 6/8/09 - 5:24 pm

This time it's the Columbia campus of John Paul II Catholic Academy, the Dorchester Reporter reports. That makes 14 Boston schools ordered to shut for a week.

By adamg - 6/5/09 - 9:46 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission announced today it's shutting the Blackstone Elementary School in the South End for a week because of high absence rates. Some 114 of the school's 600 students were out today - in addition to a number of stafff members.

The Blackstone is the 13th school in Boston shut for a week due to high absence rates linked to swine flu.

By adamg - 6/3/09 - 5:13 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission reports the Otis Elementary School is being shut for a week due to, yes, an unusually high number of students out with flu-like symptoms. The Otis is the 12th school in Boston to be shut due to the flu and the second in East Boston - although the Umana has since re-opened.

By adamg - 5/29/09 - 3:15 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission just tweeted that it's shutting the Jackson-Mann School and the Horace Mann School in Allston and the John Eliot School in the North End for seven days each because of swinish outbreaks.

That brings the number of schools in Boston felled by H1N1 to 11.

By adamg - 5/27/09 - 12:04 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission today announced a seven-day shutdown for the Boston Renaissance Charter School on Stuart Street, effective tomorrow, due to "unusually high levels of influenza-like illness in recent days."

The commission says an average of 182 students have missed class over the past three days - out of a student body of 1,200. One student and one teacher have confirmed cases of swine flu, the commission reports.

School students and staff are asked to stay away from public activities over the next week.

Boston Renaissance is the eighth Boston school shut due to a suspected swine-flu outbreak.

By adamg - 5/27/09 - 9:44 am

Unfortunately, it might be caused by swine flu. Evan, who works in a local medical research facility, reports:

... I broke out in a full body sweat and then became extremely shaky. That's when I started to panic, asked 3 infectious disease doctors in my lab if there was a possibility that I have a mild case of H1N1 (it appears to be a mild strain locally)...they all said absolutely possible, that tons of cases came through the hospital over the weekend...so many that they no longer require testing for it. One of them told me flatly to go home and stay there until I felt better...I couldn't do that since I was in the middle of an experiment.

So I made it home at 7PM and had another fever spike...I took my temp and it was hovering at 101. Ughh. The funny thing is that I don't really feel all that bad, but I am hacking up my lungs and the headaches suck, too. ...

By adamg - 5/26/09 - 4:27 pm

How come they never shut schools for regular flu? In any case, add the John D. O'Bryant School and the James Condon Elementary School in South Boston to your list of Boston schools shut for swinish reasons, Channel 5 reports.

That might also explain why, when I called the kidlet's school today to let them know she'd be out, they wanted the deets on her condition (no, don't worry, she just ate something that disagreed with her).

By adamg - 5/21/09 - 4:13 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission just announced it's shutting the British School of Boston on Pond Street for a week starting tomorrow.

The commission says it took the action after learning that 160 of the school's roughly 300 students were abasent. The school provides British-style education for students from nursery school to high school.

The Dorchester Reporter reports that the Frederick Middle School on Columbia Road in Dorchester was also ordered closed.

By adamg - 5/20/09 - 6:58 pm

Practice, of course. And also don't be a Boston Latin student. Yes, some BLS students scheduled for a debut with the Pops tonight were barred so they don't spread the killer devastating disfiguring annoying swine flu, Joel Brown reports.

By adamg - 5/20/09 - 3:30 pm

Schools are dropping like flies around here - among the latest: The Umana in East Boston, to shut for a week starting tomorrow.

By adamg - 5/19/09 - 4:36 pm

The Institute for Health Policy at The Massachusetts General Hospital is interested in how people are getting information about swine flu - and how you're dealing with the news. Take a ten-minute survey.

By adamg - 5/19/09 - 4:20 pm

In addition to shutting Boston Latin School, the Boston Public Health Commission says it is also closing the Winsor School, a private girls school on Pilgrim Road, for seven days starting tomorrow.

As at Latin, the cause is "unusually high levels of influenza-like illness in recent days." The commission says 34 students - out of 430 - were out sick today.

Boston Public Health Commission statement on Boston Latin and the Winsor School.

Ed. question: Given that the two schools are right in the Longwood Medical Area, are we soon going to hear about a hospital suffering an outbreak?

By adamg - 5/8/09 - 3:12 pm

The Bulletin reports a student at the Beethoven School is being kept home with a possible case of swine flu.

Dorchester's Marshall School came in first, reporting a confirmed case yesterday.

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