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swine flu

By adamg - 5/5/09 - 6:37 pm

Analysts, tabloid reporters shocked, confounded that Oak Hill Middle School not scene of panic, pandemonium after student diagnosed with flu.

By adamg - 5/3/09 - 8:05 pm

Mike the Mad Biologist tweets he just checked five drugstores and not a single one had any alcohol hand sanitizer left.

Would vodka work?

By adamg - 5/3/09 - 10:21 am

Cara tweets that last night on the Green Line, she saw:

a guy wearing a big mask. He kept applying Purell every time he touched something.

By adamg - 5/2/09 - 10:19 am

Mike Mennonno took his first subway ride in awhile yesterday - armed with a copy of an E.B. White essay he wanted to read about a dying pig with an infectious disease (Mike is cheery like that). He reports an amazing thing:

... [N]o one -- and I am not exaggerating here -- no one in my car coughed or sneezed the entire trip. Seriously, I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it before. Usually people do a good deal of coughing and sneezing on public transit. I've always suspected that most of it is psychogenic -- no physical cause. Rather, people do it to further insulate themselves when in close contact with strangers. They're essentially saying: "Stay away! I'll cough on you! Keep your distance! I'll sneeze on you!" Not that they're exactly conscious of their motives. ...

By adamg - 5/1/09 - 8:10 pm

Wicked Local West Roxbury reports the Parkway Little League is going to try to get players to just do a little glove tapping instead of handshaking after games.

By adamg - 5/1/09 - 2:27 pm

It's hard to ague when people are wearing masks, the T is cleaning trains in the middle of the day, Harvard Medical students are told to stay home and a plane is forced to land at Logan because a passenger felt achy.

By adamg - 5/1/09 - 9:10 am

Samantha is driving and talking to her mother on the phone about swine flu when:

Mom: "So you need to make sure you grab a mask from the hospital so you'll have one blah blah bl-"
Mom: "SAMANTHA what's the matter?!"
Me: "There is a SPIDER and it is crawling right in front of me and it is moving down toward my legs on my god oh my god"
Mom: "It's okay just pull the car over...."
Me: "I AM! It's just that I am going 85 miles an hour on a 4 lane highway talking on a cell phone haven't slept for 24 hours and a SPIDER IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"
Mom: "I KNOW! Be careful."

By adamg - 4/30/09 - 9:18 pm

The Boston Public Health Commission made the announcement tonight:

As a precautionary measure, the Public Health Commission has closed the Harvard Dental Center until the extent of the illness can be determined. Public health officials also have requested the cancellation of classes for all third- and fourth-year and post-doctoral dental students. Those students, their faculty, and staff are urged to stay at home, pending the results of the ongoing investigation. University officials are fully cooperating with state and local health investigators.

By adamg - 4/30/09 - 4:43 pm

The Globe reports WTKK suspended Jimmy Severino today for saying something awful about Mexicans and swine flu this week. Exactly what, however, the Globe doesn't say Globe posts some audio. Down in New York, El Diario La Prensa fills in that gap:

By adamg - 4/30/09 - 3:22 pm

Kerry brings us the amazing news (at least to those of us committed to the hermit's lifestyle) that you can now get Goldenstash bandanas and that they make excellent facial coverups in these days of Swine Flu Code Red OMFG We're All Going to Die:

What would Goldenstash do? Probably, buy a couple bottles of Cold Duck, invite some ladies over and wait for the apocolypse. I hope you do the same.

I wonder what I could get from my respirator, the one I still have one down in the basement from my Operation Replace Half a Wall in the Bathroom?

Jenny Frazier, meanwhile, tweets she is feeling bad for the intern at work today:

Her project? Tracking down local suppliers of surgical face masks for a group. They want 15,000 of em.

By JosephPorcelli - 4/30/09 - 11:11 am


Here is some information about Swine Flu I've been asked to pass on to you.

Info is now available in 6 languages here - http://www.bphc.org/swineflu

PUBLIC HEALTH FACT SHEET Swine Flu Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108

What is swine influenza?

By adamg - 4/30/09 - 9:27 am
Davis Square MBTA.  Only one of us will survive. on Twitpic

Davis Square statue this morning. Photo by Ringsided.

None of your employees were really worried about swine flu until you all decided this week to send out memos about it. Now they're worried. Please stop taking communications lessons from the Herald, which apparently hasn't gotten the news that while four Massachusetts children died this past winter from boring regular flu, nobody's actually died here from KILLER FLU.

By adamg - 4/29/09 - 5:28 pm

Bostonjess tweets she just saw two college-age types on the Green Line wearing surgical masks.

Garrett Quinn tweets that Channel 7 just spent 13 minutes of a 30-minute newscast on swine flu. Hey, Garrett, Matt Lorch is on Twitter and he just asked: Medical expert we interviewed on air feels media coverage of swine flu is over the top. What do you think?

By adamg - 4/29/09 - 1:02 pm

Mike the Mad Biologist compares the hysteria over swine flu with our ho-hum reaction to boring old regular flu, which kills 36,000 people a year:

... That's double HIV/AIDS deaths. But nobody gets paranoid about handwashing (WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!!). There's no serious awareness of 'coughing' hygiene. It's just shrugged off, even though a successful vaccination strategy would save tens of thousands of lives. Clearly, nobody cares about these deaths: if the public as a whole did care, vaccination would be a sacrament.

But suddenly TEH SWINEY FLOO emerges and suddenly everybody becomes a public health maven. I don't mean to downplay the potential seriousness of this particular influenza, but, so far, it's in roughly the same mortality ballpark as most other influenzas. There needs to be vigilance, but, if this influenza burns out (or even if it doesn't), we'll still have to deal with the seasonal influenza pandemic (which is what it should be called). ...

By adamg - 4/29/09 - 10:28 am

Channel 4, via AP, reports two Lowell kids back from Mexico have been diagnosed with swine flu. Both are doing well and never returned back to school after getting sick, so officials doubt they spread it to classmates.

The state has activated its emergency swine-flu line: Dial 211 for the 411 on your swine-flu questions.

By adamg - 4/28/09 - 5:05 pm

Apparently, enough people have been calling up the Boston Public Health Commission that the commission felt compelled to issue a statement today:

Dr. Anita Barry, director of the Infectious Disease Bureau at the Boston Public Health Commission, issued the following statement in response to questions from residents about whether it is safe to attend large public events because of the swine flu alert:

"Given that there are no confirmed cases in Boston or Massachusetts, large gatherings in the community need not be cancelled at this time. People who are not ill do not need to restrict their activities; they should continue to follow the advice of state and local public health officials, who will notify the community and work with institutions if and when cases are confirmed and if and when large-scale events need to be cancelled.

It is always a good idea for people who are ill to refrain from going to large public gatherings not only because of swine flu but also other infections. In addition, people with underlying medical conditions who are at high risk for complications of influenza may wish to consider avoiding large gatherings. The Public Health Commission will carefully monitor case finding information and get guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in order to make appropriate changes to this directive as warranted."

Or as Karen Wise tweets:

Good thing about swine flu pandemic: I haven't worried about MRSA all week.

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