A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that Charkeem Hyatt will have to finish his 12-to-15-year sentence for shooting four people outside the old Packy Connors in 2009. Read more.
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The owner of Packy Connors, 203 Blue Hill Ave., wants to sell his liquor license to a proposed Asian restaurant on the South Boston waterfront.
A Suffolk Superior Court jury today convicted Charkeem Hyatt of firing into a closing-time crowd outside Packy Connors on Blue Hill Avenue in 2009.
Charkeem Hyatt, a.k.a. Maurice Mattocks, was indicted on fourteen counts today for a shooting that left three women and a man with bullet holes as the bar emptied out at closing time on July 17, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.
But the Boston Licensing Board voted to roll the Blue Hill Avenue bar's closing time back to midnight - and could still revoke its license permanently if police prove the alleged underage shooter in a violent incident outside the bar early Friday was inside the bar moments earlier.

Packy Connors' supporters showing the licensing board they want the bar to stay open.
Boston Police officials told the licensing board this morning they have at least one witness who would place Charkeem Hyatt, 19, of Dorchester, inside the bar before it closed. They say he had words with somebody there and that he allegedly gunned down a man with whom he had a beef and three women who simply got in his way.
ED. NOTE: Story has been updated with new details on arraignment and charges.
Boston Police report that four people were shot outside the trouble-prone Packy Connors at closing around 2 a.m. today, in an incident that ended with police firing at the gunman after he allegedly pointed his weapon at them.
Police report the arrest of Charkeem Hyatt, also known as Maurice Mattocks, 19, of Dorchester, on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of a loaded firearm, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling, assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon and resisting arrest:
The Boston Licensing Board decided today to take no action against the Blue Hill Avenue bar for two serious incidents in recent months, including a melee that shut down Blue Hill Avenue.
At a hearing yesterday, the bar argued it had nothing to do with either incident, both of which occurred on the street outside the bar. Police said bar patrons contributed to the melee as they poured out at closing time to watch what started as a fight between two women down the street and ended with three stabbings and four arrests.
The board did issue a warning to the bar for an incident in which a man left with a cup of beer tucked under his armpit. At yesterday's hearing, board Chairman Daniel Pokaski said that while he realized there's only so much the bar can do to stop people who hide drinks under their clothes, managers and bouncers still need to be vigilant. He jokingly suggested staffers make exiting customers "do the chicken dance" as they leave to shake out any hidden drinks.
According to its owners, that would be Packy Connors, 205 Blue Hill Ave., which today found itself before the Boston Licensing Board - again - for three more alleged infractions, from a guy walking out of the joint with a cup of beer to the involvement of its patrons in an all-out melee that shut down Blue Hill Avenue as the cops tried to restore order. Oh, yeah, and five to six gunshots fired in its vicinity one night.
The Globe reports police want the city licensing board to shut down the Blue Hill Avenue bar.
One example of what has the cops tired of the place.