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Packy Connors: Lovable hangout or violent crime den?

The Globe reports police want the city licensing board to shut down the Blue Hill Avenue bar.

One example of what has the cops tired of the place.



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From what the Globe article sez it seems that someone in the BPD has an issue with Packy's or it's owner Mr Cairn......maybe something to do with not paying enough rent to someone to cover his patron's transgressions?

If they want to appear to be evenhanded, the BPD should also be asking that the Boston Public Schools be closed due to the number of calls they have to respond to.

As for the licensing board is this DejaVu all over again?

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The place is a den of criminal activity. At least the Globe is going out the same way it has been........writing sympathetic stories about criminals, cheats and thieves. What a joke.

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