By adamg - Mon, 03/13/2006 - 1:23pm

Karl reminds us why Kowloon is on Rte. 1 in Saugus - it just wouldn't fit anywhere else:

By adamg - Sun, 03/05/2006 - 1:39pm

On, Berto reports on a rollover he witnessed yesterday on the Revere/Saugus line (which town it was in mattered because it determined which

By adamg - Fri, 03/03/2006 - 8:07am

Berto goes into the Saugus Best Buy to pick up a Sam Cooke CD. And promptly discovers that the help has no idea what "Motown" is.

By adamg - Thu, 01/19/2006 - 3:57pm

On Pasquinade, Amy writes she has a new hero: Shannon Fitzpatrick, whose quest for the crown in an all-guy beauty pageant at Saugus High has some people's panties in a bunch

By adamg - Thu, 12/08/2005 - 3:56pm

Not so Krispy anymoreSpatch notes the sudden passing of Krispy Kreme outlets in Saugus and Medford, following the similar dismantlement of the Krispy Kreme in Copley Square:

... When they arrived on the Boston scene, I was happy, but then realized exactly why it was a good Occasional Treat and not a Regular Thing: them donuts is fat. Eat a half dozen in one sitting and you'll groan about it for days. (Ok, maybe you shouldn't eat a half dozen of anybody's donuts in one sitting, but in my defense, I was drunk.) When I had access to all the Krispy Kremes I could ever want, the novelty was lost and the feeling of specialness disappeared. ...