WBUR reports a group at UMass Boston is experimenting with adding honeycomb-like structures to seawalls along Chelsea Creek in East Boston and on Boston Harbor in the Seaport to see if they will become refuges for both plants and shellfish, turning what are now basically barren stone walls into greener spaces full of life.
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Eric Bender watched three Boston tugs guide the tanker Nor'easter out of Chelsea Creek this morning. He reports: Read more.
This afternoon, Michael Campbell was in East Boston, watching the Amis Treasure come through Boston Harbor on its way to the Chelsea salt pile on Chelsea Creek with a fresh load of Chilean salt, picked up from the Punta Patache Terminal in Chile.
Around 11 p.m., a man jumped off the Meridian Street Bridge between East Boston and Chelsea. Boston Police, State Police and Boston Fire boats converged on the scene. State troopers got to the man, who was swimming in Chelsea Creek, first and pulled him out of the water. He appeared to be physically fine, but they took him to the Coast Guard base in the North End to be check out by EMTs. The bridge was shut during the rescue operation.
Esperanza watched captured one of two swans heading off from East Boston into Chelsea Creek at sunset today.
Before the swan glided off, she reports, it and its partner shooed away some mallards for sole possession of the less than bucolic creek shoreline: Read more.
Karyn Regal at WBZ Newsradio reports the company that runs the Chelsea Street Bridge has fired the two workers on duty when the bridge's center span rose with an occupied car on it on Friday.
Randy Andrews posted video Friday showing how lucky one driver is that the Chelsea Street Bridge lifts its center section straight up, rather than having a more traditional design with two sections that lift up at an angle: Read more.
Pat Tomaino watched the sunset over Chestnut Hill Reservoir this evening.
Leah Klein watched the sunset over Chelsea Creek and the Tobin Bridge: Read more.
You get a good view of Chelsea Creek from the top of the little hill in East Boston's Condor Street Urban Wild, such as the Danish-registered Nord Magic, which was unloading something on the East Boston side at the Chelsea Street bridge yesterday afternoon.
Matt Frank walked along Mill Creek and Chelsea Creek at sunset this evening.
Matt Frank snapped the flooded banks of Chelsea Creek at today's king tide from a water taxi.
Researchers from Northeastern, the MIT Media Lab and Chelsea's GreenRoots worked with local teens from along Chelsea Creek to graphically illustrate ongoing chemical discharges into the river, which basically serves as a funnel for most of the Boston area's heating oil, jet fuel and road salt.
Matt Frank watched a tug work its way down Chelsea Creek at sunset today.
The Chelsea Record reports MBTA and Massport officials now acknowledge the constant raising of the Chelsea Bridge for ships even during rush hour is screwing up Silver Line and other bus service and commuters and that they are hoping to convince the Coast Guard to go along with a pilot plan to bar most maritime traffic - but not oil tankers - under the bridge for two hours in the morning and again in the late afternoon.
The developers of the proposed Suffolk Downs project can't stop the tides, so they're planning their massive project to roll with the punches as rising sea levels increase the odds the low-lying site on the East Boston/Revere line will flood on a more regular basis. Read more.
Molly Lanza watched the sun go down behind the Custom House this evening. Read more.
Matt Frank looked skyward in a walk along Chelsea Creek at sunset. Read more.
Roving UHub photographer Michael Campbell watched the Nor'easter roll up Chelsea Creek today.
The ship, built in South Korea, owned by a Dutch company, and registered in the Marshall Islands, is an oil and chemicals tanker. It was originally scheduled to arrive last night.
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