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Jerry McDermott

By adamg - 6/22/07 - 10:05 am

Because the soon-to-be-ex City Councillor apparently finds the First Amendment rights to assemble and petition government too risky for elected officials. Harold M. Clemens reports on a summer-jobs rally outside City Hall yesterday by United Youth and Youth Workers of Boston:

By adamg - 5/9/07 - 8:26 am

Sco posts an interview with Susan Passoni of the South End, running against Bill Linehan of South Boston in a May 15 special election for city council (whoever wins will have to run again in the fall). Among other things, she calls for increased tax revenue from large commercial landholders and for more money from the city's non-profit landholders:

By adamg - 5/8/07 - 9:08 am

Allston/Brighton City Councilor Jerry McDermott, whom you might recall wanted to tear down the Citgo sign, won't run for re-election this fall, the Herald reports.

By adamg - 9/23/06 - 10:11 pm

World Leader, whose city councilor is Jerry McDermott, says enough about Hugo Chavez already: Take down the Citgo sign because it's embarrassing that a major Boston landmark is an ad:

... As the video says, London has its Big Ben, Paris has its Eiffel Tower, and Boston has its...Citgo sign?

By adamg - 9/23/06 - 9:11 am

Harry Mattison, who actually gets to vote for Jerry McDermott (or not), says we should all rush out and buy genuine Citgo caps and golf balls to remind us of our First Amendment rights.

Oh, yeah, that pesky First Amendment. Dan Kennedy wishes to have a word with McDermott:

By adamg - 9/22/06 - 1:57 pm

Beth lets Jerry McDermott, Allston/Brighton's district city councilor, have it with both barrels over his demand the city tear down the Citgo sign:

By adamg - 10/21/05 - 1:40 pm

For the second day in a row, Brian McGrory actually gets off his tuchus and does some real reporting, this time to check out Maura Hennigan's assertion that the path around Jamaica Pond is a rubble-strewn minefield. McGrory discovers it's not.

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