Floating tea bale
By adamg - 6/3/18 - 5:19 pm

John Hanzl followed the progress of a tea bale that apparently escaped from the Tea Party Museum and managed to avoid the Gillette water-intake pump as it slowly floated down, down, down Fort Point Channel, all the way down to the little curvy bit that ends in South Boston.

Tea in Boston Harbor
By adamg - 6/5/14 - 8:44 am

A concerned citizen of the realm complains:

Tea chest from Tea Party Museum washed up between Gillette and railroad tracks.

By adamg - 4/19/12 - 11:13 am

Video of the Tea Party Museum's Beaver on its entry into Fort Point Channel this morning, with the Northern Avenue bridge swung open to let it through.

By adamg - 4/10/12 - 8:04 am

Good Morning Gloucester posts some photos of the ships, being built in Gloucester.

By adamg - 4/5/12 - 4:10 pm

The Boston Licensing Board today found "no violation" in the actions of Ups N Downs on Feb.

By adamg - 11/8/11 - 10:24 am

First it was the movie about Lexington and Concord filmed in Virginia.

By adamg - 6/7/11 - 6:41 am

A movie company hired by the Tea Party Museum will film a re-creation of the Battle of Lexington on a field just west of Richmond, Va.

By adamg - 4/18/11 - 11:41 am

The Herald follows up today on the Globe's fluff piece yesterday about the rebuilt Tea Party Museum with a front-pager: