By adamg - 9/25/24 - 12:03 pm

A developer says he will soon file detailed plans to convert the Boston Wharf Co. building at Summer and Melcher streets - the one that has long beamed its devotion to "industrial real estate" in bright red neon across Fort Point Channel - into 77 apartments, under the city's pilot tax-break program for that sort of conversion. Read more.

By adamg - 8/22/24 - 9:05 am

Procter & Gamble told the city yesterday it will soon file detailed plans for turning World Shaving Headquarters along Fort Point Channel into a new neighborhood as it moves its manufacturing to Andover over the next few years. Read more.

By adamg - 7/10/24 - 11:48 am

The Boston Licensing Board decides tomorrow whether to let the operator of the existing indoor golf-simulator joint near City Hall expand into a second location at 311 Summer St. in Fort Point and buy the liquor license from a South End seafood tapas place. Read more.

Restaurant flag taking up much of the sidewalk at A and Melcher
By adamg - 5/20/24 - 1:06 pm

A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint today about this new flag for the new Citrus & Salt restaurant making it difficult to get down A Street in Fort Point without getting into a flag war.

Crash scene
By adamg - 3/24/24 - 9:42 pm

Drew Karedes reports a 4-year-old died at Congress and Sleeper streets after being hit by the driver of a Ford F150. Read more.

By adamg - 1/21/24 - 2:29 pm

On the Channel explores the pothole that just keeps getting bigger on Thomson Place, an increasingly busy Fort Point Street because Boston Public Works won't fix it, not because the department is shirking its duties but because of the street's oddball status as a private way. With a detailed history of why the street remains a private way, going back to the turn of the 20th century.

Birds at dusk over Wormwood Park
By adamg - 1/11/24 - 9:34 am

The Fort Pointer watched starlings doing some synchronized flying over Wormwood Park in Fort Point at dusk the other day.

By adamg - 1/5/24 - 12:43 pm

The Boston Business Journal reports that Barbara Lynch has abruptly closed her Menton, Sportello and Drink outlets in Fort Point, blaming her landlord. Her other restaurants, all outside Fort Point, remain open.

Via Boston Restaurant Talk.

By adamg - 10/18/23 - 12:09 pm

A grossed-out citizen filed a 311 complaint this morning about situation on A Street under Summer Street in Fort Point: Read more.

A Street stars, now gone
By adamg - 9/21/23 - 3:21 pm

The Fort Pointer reports that "Starry Night," above A Street on the underside of the Summer Street bridge, has blinked out after 14 years: Read more.

By adamg - 3/17/23 - 9:52 pm

A judge yesterday ordered 20 days of evaluation for a Boston man arrested after, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office charges, he tried to throw his wife into Fort Point Channel from the South Boston side of the Summer Street Bridge Wednesday. Read more.

By adamg - 3/1/23 - 10:09 am

A New York developer that paid $80 million for a slice of Gillette's land in South Boston in 2021 says it will soon file detailed plans for a new building there that will have both lab and retail space, or as it calls it, "a vibrant, inclusive mixed use project that integrates into and complements the Fort Point neighborhood." Read more.

By adamg - 9/12/22 - 1:34 pm

Life Is Good, the Melcher Street purveyor of optimistic T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats, today sued a company that claims to have a patent on the way clothing companies sell their wares online, saying the company needs to stop badgering it about patented techniques Life is Good says it isn't using on its Web site. Read more.

Rendering of proposed 7 Channel Center St.
By adamg - 6/25/22 - 11:16 am

The owner of a long vacant and boarded up former Boston Wharf Co. building at 7 Channel Center St. has filed plans with the BPDA to replace it with a nine-story building aimed at Boston's burgeoning research-and-development market. Read more.

Big knitted dandelion on an A Street fence
By adamg - 5/22/22 - 5:17 pm

The Fort Pointer shows us Fort Point artist Kristen Alexandra's latest knitted work, on A Street.

330 C St. rendering
By adamg - 3/15/22 - 5:15 pm

City Realty of Brookline, best known for its residential projects, has filed plans with the BPDA to build a six-story, 74-room hotel at 330 C St. in South Boston. Read more.

By adamg - 3/11/22 - 5:33 pm

Rue Gilt Groupe, in Fort Point's Channel Center, today sued the Zurich American Insurance Co. for refusing to pay a claim based on the physical damage Rue Gilt says the coronavirus caused not only to the desks and other "non-porous" surfaces - and also the very air itself - in its headquarters, but to similar surfaces and air or five miles around. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/22 - 10:58 am

The Globe reports that Eli Lilly, an Indianapolis-based drug company, will establish a $700-million genetic-medicine hub in a 12-story building now under construction on Necco Street - on what was originally supposed to be part of the GE campus. Lilly already has a relatively small outpost in Kendall Square.

51 Melcher St.
By adamg - 12/10/21 - 9:45 am

GI Partners, a San Francisco-based equity firm, has filed plans with the BPDA to convert the nine-story 51 Melcher St. into life-sciences space. Read more.

By adamg - 12/1/21 - 1:40 pm

A Connecticut chain that serves Japanese ramen and Vietnamese pho wants to open its first Boston restaurant at 44 Thomson Pl., but the Fort Point Neighborhood Association is asking the Boston Licensing Board to scale back its proposed 12:30 a.m. closing time to a more Boston time of 11 p.m. Read more.