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Talbot Avenue

By adamg - 3/26/14 - 12:25 am

A fire broke out shortly after midnight on the third floor of 263 Talbot Ave. in Dorchester.

The Red Cross reports seven people were displaced.

By adamg - 2/25/14 - 10:56 am

Boston Police report a man officers spotted running down Talbot Avenue with a gun pointed the loaded weapon at them before running off.

By adamg - 4/1/13 - 9:41 pm

In a roughly 30-minute span this evening, police responded to a home invasion on Talbot near Dot. Ave. a car crash at Washington Street and then a foot chase onto Whitfield Street.

Residents of 514 Talbot Ave. told police three men with guns burst into the small apartment building shortly after 9 p.m., apparently looking for somebody. One wore a scully cap, another a skeleton mask - which police recovered.

By adamg - 12/28/12 - 8:59 am

For the past two years, a vexed citizen has complained to the city about the same three postal workers double parking in he bicycle lane outside the Talbot Avenue post office. Yesterday, the city marked one of the complaints "closed" and noted:

Officer spoke to post office workers about parking out front. they were warned. we will go by daily.

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