By adamg - 4/11/12 - 3:47 pm

The City Council today adopted new rules that will limit new City Clerk Maureen Feeney's ability to pick up some side cash by performing weddings.

City Councilor Matt O'Malley (West Roxbury) said the new rules will bring transparency to a government function and some extra money to city government. At the State House, state Rep. Marty Walz (D-Back Bay) is pushing similar legislation to limit the ability of city and town clerks to make money through weddings during business hours.

Under the new regulation, proposed by City Councilor Mike Ross (Mission Hill), any fees for weddings performed during business hours at City Hall will go into city coffers, rather than Feeney's pocket. Previously, Feeney and her predecessor, Rosaria Salerno, could keep the $15 fee for "solemnizing" a wedding.

In addition, the new regulation limits City Hall Weddings to the hours of 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 2 to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - although Ross said an "emergency provision" would let would-be spouses apply for a wedding at other times in unspecified emergency situations. But weddings performed by city officials outside City Hall during any business hours are now prohibited, although Ross added that that just means people will now get married "in this beautiful building."

By adamg - 12/21/11 - 12:46 pm

Murphy on live TV.Murphy on live TV.The City Council today appointed former Councilor Maureen Feeney as city clerk in a process that would have taken about 30 seconds if council President Steve Murphy had not taken the opportunity to rail against "the broadsheets" and a former mayoral candidate.

For 15 minutes, Murphy excoriated the Globe and Kevin McCrea, accusing them of creating a circus with moving goalposts that bordered on harassment and only showed they want to chose the next city clerk, but they don't have the right because who elected them?

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 9:19 pm

The Dorchester Reporter posts a copy of Council President Steve Murphy's recommendation that the full council hire former Councilor Feeney for the post of city clerk - which includes a bonus d

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 12:46 pm

Gin Dumcius tweets that state Rep.

By adamg - 12/12/11 - 11:37 pm

UPDATE: The city has a fulltime legal department, yet apparently nobody thought to check whether interviewing a former city councilor less than 30 days after she quit might violate state ethics laws, the Globe

By adamg - 12/10/11 - 3:34 pm

Steve Murphy's Committee on Rules and Administration will pose tough questions to Natalie Carithers of Dorchester on her bid to become the next city clerk at an interview on Monday.

By adamg - 11/17/11 - 12:23 pm

Gin Dumcius soberly analyzes the PR mess Maureen Feeney's put her now ex-colleagues in in her frenzied dash to push City Clerk Rosaria Salerno aside

By adamg - 11/14/11 - 10:02 am

The Globe reports the longtime Dorchester city councilor quietly submitted

By adamg - 8/11/11 - 11:23 pm

At a sometimes contentious hearing on taxi regulation - at which cabbies revealed plans to sue the city over its credit-card requirements - drivers, city councilors and the city taxi czar agreed on one point: The city needs to crack down on unregulated

By adamg - 8/10/11 - 4:20 pm

The Council's Committee on Public Safety holds a hearing Thursday on a proposal by Councilor Maureen Feeney (Dorchester) to create a civilian ta

By adamg - 7/7/11 - 9:52 am

Police supt. on 102 Blue Hill Ave.: "Something no 12-year-old should have to experience."

A day after police and inspectors swooped down on a Blue Hill Avenue building nearby residents called a criminal warren, city councilors and lawyers began hammering out an ordinance for cracking down on owners of troubled apartments - including a provision that would require licensing for landlords with repeat offenses.

By adamg - 5/25/11 - 2:13 pm

The City Council voted today it is fed up with absentee landlords who let their properties go to hell and backed a hearing proposed by Councilor Maureen Feeney (Dorchester) on cracking down on them.

By adamg - 4/20/11 - 10:09 am

FeeneyThe Dorchester Reporter

By lex.galloway - 2/3/11 - 3:54 pm

Marty HoganHoganMarty Hogan, who once ran for an at-large city-council seat, says he is running this year for the District 3 seat now held by Maureen Feeney.

Hogan, who ran citywide in 2007, joins Feeney and 2009 at-large candidate Doug Bennett, also making a run for a district seat this time.

Hogan says his campaign will focus on city budget reform, because the city is spending "lavishly." One area where Hogan would not cut, however, is in crime fighting - he says crime is "spiraling out of control." He adds he would oppose cuts in school and fire funding.

Hogan is a South Boston native who now lives in Ashmont. An IT consultant, Hogan is also president of the Dorchester Day Parade and sits on the board of the Dorchester Symphony Orchestra.

Feeney, who was first elected in 1993, has said that this next run will most likely be her last.

By adamg - 11/3/10 - 1:58 pm

A Boston Licensing Board hearing turned heated this morning when City Councilor Maureen Feeney accused the new owner of the Ka-Carlos building at 33 Hancock St. of lying to residents and city officials about his plans for the building.

By adamg - 6/25/10 - 8:44 am

Peter Gelzinis reports she proposed easing school budget woes by having teachers work for a day without pay.

By adamg - 6/14/10 - 9:58 pm

It was, Councilor Maureen Feeney recalls, complete pandemonium: Last summer, somebody opened five hydrants in the area around Norton and Bowdoin streets and the area became an instant disaster zone: Basements were flooded, backyards washed out, cars da

By adamg - 12/17/09 - 8:06 am

Mike Ball, who actually attended yesterday's City Council vote on term limits (I couldn't take another day of those alleged seats in the council chambers and so watched th

By adamg - 11/18/09 - 1:07 pm

The Boston City Council voted unanimously today to support the tradition of twice-daily cannon shots at the USS Constitution in Charlestown.

Beyond supporting a custom that dates to 1798, some city councilors told Charletown newcomers complaining about the cannon fire to read up on local history.

"When someone moves into the city of Boston, they need to understand the traditions we have, the history," Councilor Sal LaMattina, who represents Charlestown, said.

Councilor Maureen Feeney, who reprsents Dorchester, went even further, saying she found it "almost offensive" that anybody would object to the sound of cannons. "It's so disprespectful for us to turn our back on the sacrifices that were made. ... I'm sorry, it's sad that we even have to have this discussion."