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Edgar Allen Poe

By adamg - 6/8/24 - 11:23 pm
Woman with multicolored parasol

Matt Frank took in the annual Pride parade today, reports a lot of parasols were out on the sunny day. Read more.

By adamg - 4/2/14 - 11:44 pm
Poe statue

Photo by Stefanie Rocknak.


The Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston says it's raised enough money for a statue of Edgar Allan Poe - and a giant raven - at Boylston Street and Charles Street South, and will unveil it at 2 p.m. on Oct. 5.

The foundation needed $225,000 to pay for Stefanie Rocknak's statue and upkeep. It reports a $10,000 grant from the Lynch Foundation got it over the top - which means foundation officials no longer have to worry they will just rue plans sitting in a morgue somewhere.

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