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By adamg - 9/9/14 - 10:38 pm

WBUR reports. Can both candidates learn from their past losses?

By adamg - 3/27/14 - 7:44 am

The Globe reports Steve Grossman looked like he was passing a kidney stone in a debate the other night not because he had to share the stage with Gay Hating Guy, but because he was actually passing a kidney stone.

By adamg - 2/26/14 - 7:48 am

WBUR reports on a gubernatorial forum at Harvard.

By adamg - 2/21/14 - 2:34 pm

Mike Deehan, a reporter at the State House News Service, has launched MaGov14.com to cover this year's race for governor.

By Ward 19 Democratic Committee... - 2/4/14 - 6:41 pm

Delegates representing 13 Districts of Roslindale & JP to be elected

  • Saturday, February 8
  • 10:30 AM
  • IUPAT Hall
    25 Colgate Rd
    Roslindale MA 02131

Democrats in Boston Ward 19 will be holding a caucus at the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Hall, 2nd floor, to elect 24 delegates and 4 alternates to the 2014 Massachusetts Democratic Convention, where Democrats from across Massachusetts will vote to endorse candidates for statewide office.

By Anonymous - 2/19/13 - 12:38 pm


A month after former U.S. Senator Scott Brown sent out a series of odd tweets from his official social media account, the Fox News commentator finally addressed questions behind a jumbled message—and he blamed it on accidental “pocket tweeting.”

myfoxboston video:

By adamg - 4/2/12 - 1:11 pm

The Globe reports a Suffolk County grand jury indicted him on charges he used $1.65 million in lottery ads to boost his campaign for governor in 2010.

By adamg - 11/3/10 - 7:22 am

Barney Frank spent much of his victory speech last night complaining about Republicans, added: "Massachusetts has reaffirmed the complete political irrelevance of the Boston Herald." A Republican operative who writes a column for the Herald retorts: I'm irrelevant? You're irrelevant!

WBUR sums up the blue wave that swept Massachusetts. At Blue Mass. Group, David sees in the Massachusetts vote an answer to the Tea Party wave:

By adamg - 11/1/10 - 6:34 pm

Democrats held a get-out-the-vote rally in Adams Park in Roslindale Square this afternoon. All the party bigwigs were there, along with assorted union members and party activists. Gov. Deval Patrick told them he's had enough of 15 months of Charlie Baker:

Congressman Mike Capuano warned Republicans not to count Democrats out:

By adamg - 10/31/10 - 10:16 am

But first, this musical interlude:

Republicans are dreaming big in Massachusetts this year.

Gubernatorial candidates offer their ideas on the economy. The Herald-Republican rides the bus with Scott Brown, is most impressed. Watch Baker at his Foxboro rally.

By adamg - 10/29/10 - 9:30 am

Latest Suffolk poll shows Patrick 7 points ahead. Baker campaign bravely says their own polling shows a dead-even race, which a reporter with an attention span longer than 30 seconds reports really means the Baker campaign is now in free fall.

By adamg - 10/28/10 - 8:31 am

Mike Ball reports on Jim Henderson's press conference outside Suffolk Law School. Who he? He's the independent running against Bill Galvin, who didn't want to see his shadow and participate in a forum at the school. OK, OK, Galvin tells the Globe because he couldn't take 90 minutes out of his busy day for a debate.

By adamg - 10/26/10 - 7:26 am

With one week left in the campaign, what have we learned? That every candidate for every office everywhere is a slavering, fanged troll who eats live babies and puppies as snacks, except for that nice Steve Grossman. He's such a mensch.

Speaking of slavering, fanged trolls, don't say mean things about un-birther Bill Hudak or he'll sue you.

By adamg - 10/25/10 - 7:12 am

Associated Press uncovers a memo from Baker to then boss Paul Celllucci, urging him to sit on news of escalating Big Dig costs until after Cellucci beat Scott Harshbarger back in the day. Tony ponders:

By adamg - 10/22/10 - 7:20 am

Look for the Dems to crow that the state's unemployment rate is down and the Republicans to thunder about how the number of jobless increased. The Globe attempts to explain how that could happen; the Herald gleefully predicts the crushing job-loss news will crush Deval Patrick's chances.

By adamg - 10/21/10 - 7:22 am

You're an editor for a metropolitan daily. Which story do you put on the front page: Jeff Perry and the strip search or Barney Frank lending his campaign some money? If you're the Herald, you go with the latter (don't forget to throw in some stuff about how Frank is "panic stricken") and ignore the former (save for a Margery Egan column declaring Perry is a cretin).

By adamg - 10/19/10 - 8:19 am

Mike Ball reports on a rare live public appearance by Secretary of State for Life Bill Galvin.

Hey, West Roxbury and Jamaica Plain peeps: Today's the very special preliminary election for city council, so go vote.

By adamg - 10/18/10 - 7:59 am

Election tomorrow! Well, for city council in District 6 (West Roxbury, JP and pieces of Roslindale and Mission Hill), at any rate. Will turnout get into double digits?

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