Three local newsrooms have won $100,000 grants to bolster local news coverage in the Boston area, from a group called Press Forward, which is trying to reinvigorate really local journalism. Read more.
Jason Pranas, who watched the pandemic take down the Weekly Dig, today announced the start of a new, and non-profit statewide news site: HorizonMass: "A new general interest, statewide, digital news publication with the tagline 'independent student-driven reporting in the public interest.' "
Besides its Dig roots, the site also has its origins in the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, which Pranas and Chris Faraone founded.
Long-time DigBoston contributor Barry Thompson's series of interviews for an oral history about DigBoston (formerly Boston's Weekly Dig) in DigBoston: Read more.
Chris Faraone reports on the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism's table at a recent movie night in Dudley Square - a table complete with portable typewriters (kids, ask your mom) and reporters letting residents tell their stories.
Dig News Editor Chris Faraone is starting an effort to support and share investigative and interpretive reporting by Boston-area journalists who don't have an MSM press card. The Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism will, he writes: Read more.