Artist Thomas "Detour" Evans finished his mural on the side of the Joyce Kilmer Lower School on Baker Street in West Roxbury this week. Read more.
A West Roxbury resident filed a 311 complaint yesterday about what he or she considers a completely "woke" graffiti mural that just went up on the side of the Joyce Kilmer School on Baker Street, in one of the largest spleen ventings we've seen on 311 in many a year: Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans by the owner of the Baker Street Market at Baker and Vermont street in West Roxbury to replace his store and parking lot with a four-story, 14-unit condo building with 23 parking spaces - and a smaller space for him to keep operating the market. Read more.
B’nai B’rith Housing, joined by city and state officials, today officially opened its 1208 Parkway complex of 60 income-restricted apartments off Baker Street in West Roxbury - with its entrance on VFW Parkway. Read more.
An aghast citizen filed a 311 complaint about an incident on Baker Street at Amesbury Street in West Roxbury shortly after noon on Saturday: Read more.
Baker Street Market owner Louis Dakoyannis tonight showed neighbors his proposal to replace the store at the corner of Baker and Vermont streets in West Roxbury with a four-story, 14-unit condo building that would also have ground-floor space for a new convenience store - but one about a third the size of his current market. Read more.
Mary Ellen spotted Frosty and his AC unit on Baker Street in West Roxbury today.
West Roxbury residents couldn't help but notice the ad-hoc procession down Centre, Spring and Baker streets towards VFW Parkway yesterday afternoon.
Kerry Castor of the West Roxbury Civic and Improvement Association was outraged: Read more.
Mary Ellen reports that this morning, she saw a man who saluted a memorial sign at Baker Street and VFW Parkway, then stood at ease for several minutes looking up at it. Read more.
Update, 11/14: The BPDA board gave its OK today.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans by B'nai B'rith Housing New England for 60 affordable apartments in a building between VFW Parkway and Baker Street, to the rear of Savers. Read more.
Around 5:10 p.m. a driver plowed into a utility pole on Baker Street near the cemeteries between VFW Parkway and the West Roxbury line, taking down some live wires. About half an hour later, another driver plowed into another utility pole near Cutter Road and the Little League fields. Police have blocked the road in both locations.
Lagrange Street is looking pretty good right now.
B'nai B'rith Housing New England of Brighton wants to buy an approved but as yet unbuilt 60-unit residential project off Baker Street in West Roxbury and hopes to rent all of the units as affordable. Read more.
The owner of a commercial parcel between VFW Parkway, the Needham Line train tracks and Baker Street has asked the BPDA to let him build a 60-unit complex on three acres of the land as apartments rather than the condos the BPDA approved in 2017. Read more.
Somebody created a small memorial at VFW Parkway and Baker Street for Larry the Turkey, killed yesterday when he refused to yield to a car. Read more.
Two DCR employees with nets learned not to tangle with Larry the Turkey today - he beaked off their attempts to capture him and get him away from his haunts in the middle of the intersection of Baker Street and VFW Parkway this afternoon, according to a discussion on the Chronicles of West Roxbury II Facebook group. Read more.
Larry, the formerly peaceful turkey turned fire-spitting hellspawn by a misguided, if well meaning motorist, is upping his game - and his attacks on cars at VFW Parkway and Baker Street in West Roxbury. Read more.
Alderfish reports that Larry the Baker Street turkey, who has spent the past couple of months dodging cars on VFW Parkway at Baker Street, has turned angry and is now attacking cars, which is probably not good for his long-term health:
After becoming offended last night by a well meaning driver shooing him out of the way, Larry has decided to regain his dominance by fighting off advancing cars.
Kelly Tynan watched a turkey cross VFW Parkway at Baker Street in West Roxbury this afternoon.
Baker Baker on Spring Street (at Baker) is closing for good at the end of the week. Owner Fran Kolenik says, though, she's looking at possible ways to keep making pies.
The news comes a couple weeks after the owner of the neighboring Kalembar Dune announced she's closing as well.
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