An East Boston triple decker on wheels
By adamg - 8/1/23 - 10:41 am

On Sept. 13, 1950, a crew started moving a triple decker from 409 Frankfort St. in East Boston to 4 Milton St. (now 4 Horace St.), so the MTA could extend the subway from Maverick Square to Orient Heights. Read more.

By adamg - 4/13/22 - 11:11 am

Mayor Wu today unveiled her first budget for the Boston, for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

Included in the proposal are amounts for new projects based on some $350 million in federal Covid-19 relief, including a number aimed at energy efficiency and dealing with climate change: Read more.

A triple decker in Boston on wheels
By adamg - 6/26/14 - 10:17 am

The folks at the Boston City Archives wonder if you can place this photo.

By adamg - 4/10/14 - 8:19 am

Charles Sammon, 37, of West Pittston, PA., was sentenced to 33 months in federal prison yesterday for a scheme in which he collected fees at closings for triple-decker units in Dorchester, Roxbury and Jamaica Plain involving buyers who then promptly def

By Meredith Geraghty - 3/18/14 - 3:18 pm

If you go to Boston neighborhoods like Dorchester, Roxbury, or Jamaica Plain, you will see streets lined with two and three family homes.

By adamg - 10/28/13 - 10:25 am

And they were the original transit-oriented development, to boot, Hub Business explains.

By adamg - 3/26/12 - 11:51 am

Over the weekend, the mayor announced a grant and loan program for people who either already own one of the iconic buildings or who want to buy one.

By adamg - 6/20/09 - 9:18 am

The Times (yes, not the Globe) reports triple-deckers are being foreclosed - and even abandoned - at a much higher rate than other types of houses.