Member for 10 years 10 months My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 2/7/24 - 12:52 pm Riddle me this… Three no-fare bus routes to remain free for another two years, Wu says 39 2/7/24 - 12:48 pm Compensation? Three no-fare bus routes to remain free for another two years, Wu says 39 11/21/23 - 8:06 pm You’re wrong about the cameras. Historic Boylston trolley spray painted again 22 11/21/23 - 8:05 pm You’re wrong about the cameras. Historic Boylston trolley spray painted again 22 11/21/23 - 7:58 pm One P Key to rule them all. Historic Boylston trolley spray painted again 22 3/2/23 - 12:35 am What went wrong? Family of man dragged to his death by a Red Line train sues MBTA for negligence 11 9/27/22 - 6:12 pm Wow! Just what the area needs! Board approves transformation of Nubian Square parking lots into new cultural, dining, residential and lab training spaces 8 5/29/22 - 4:04 pm Look at my username After trolley dies, young inebriates run from Government Center to Park Street - on Green Line tracks 12 5/29/22 - 3:58 pm Wait until tonight! Citizen complaint of the day: Boston Calling making windows rattle, babies cry for four miles around 63 10/28/19 - 4:09 am We do have an unpolished gem...for now... Doyle's closes for the last time 23 10/28/19 - 4:08 am We do have an unpolished gem...for now... Doyle's closes for the last time 23 10/28/19 - 3:19 am Unfortunately, that won’t happen. Doyle's closes for the last time 23 5/1/19 - 3:27 pm Irving? When boys wore knickers to shop class 12 12/26/18 - 6:18 pm Actually.... Bicyclist hops on the Expressway for a leisurely ride downtown 75 12/26/18 - 6:15 pm It goes both ways. Bicyclist hops on the Expressway for a leisurely ride downtown 75 11/26/18 - 6:03 pm Similar issue in Rozzie A neighborhood in gridlock: Sumner Tunnel changes leave East Boston drivers with plenty of time to ponder mortality and stuff 39 9/12/18 - 11:39 am Always An ice-cream plant reduced to rubble 36 9/9/18 - 9:36 pm Brilliant! An ice-cream plant reduced to rubble 36 4/8/18 - 3:24 pm I don’t huh? Man shot to death in Hyde Park 10 4/8/18 - 6:57 am I heard the shots. Man shot to death in Hyde Park 10 4/4/18 - 7:07 pm EYES UP, PHONE DOWN! Directions for Frogger, BU edition 36 10/23/16 - 12:23 am What video were you watching? Last night's torrents marked 20th anniversary of the Great Kenmore Flood 11 1/14/16 - 4:31 pm Answer is simple MBTA completes Green Line real-time displays 46 1/11/16 - 11:00 am South Street Rozzie? The dirt roads of old Boston 25 4/27/15 - 1:28 pm Not just turkeys Spring brings turkeys to Dorchester, Turkey in the Straw to South Boston 5 3/21/15 - 11:24 am Not the rubber The little rubber doohicky that keeps jamming the doors on some Green Line trains 15 3/18/15 - 7:33 am Not fenway Riverside Line? More like InTheRiver Line tonight 5 12/16/14 - 9:26 pm No kidding! Boston landmarks in gingerbread 3 12/16/14 - 9:18 pm Ya but Citizen complaint of the day: That stupid jag on Washington Street in front of the Harvest 18 12/14/14 - 1:47 pm Bulls**t Another protest shuts intersections; at least 23 arrested 40 10/28/14 - 1:31 pm you don't get it Body on a bench in Harvard Square 12 10/28/14 - 10:45 am It's going to get worse Body on a bench in Harvard Square 12 10/19/14 - 9:56 am Assumptions? Roslindale middle school ransacked; two arrested 10 9/29/14 - 9:04 am Imperial Kitchen Wait, what? Somebody's thinking Roche Bros. is first step in destruction of Davis Square 56 9/24/14 - 4:11 pm Moon Island Big machinery for a big city 20 9/24/14 - 4:04 pm Nothing Beats Police: Pud-pulling passenger puts plane in peril 19 8/14/14 - 9:30 am Separate areas Two nights on Long Island 9 6/20/14 - 8:02 pm You are 100% correct!! Causeway Street pizza place blames Canada for incident that will shut it for one day 32 6/4/14 - 11:35 pm In Rozzie Straight-razor shaves 23 6/4/14 - 10:45 pm Idiot stepchild line? Why is the MBTA apparently keeping 34 My articles