16 years 11 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
1/31/11 - 9:34 pm Hey! [Video] French Toast Alert - WBZ-TV's Joe Joyce Reporting for Universal Hub 29
9/2/10 - 2:31 pm You misspelled "Whalers" Battle stations, people! 45
5/10/10 - 11:48 am Technically, SecState not a czar Apparently, laws against treason aren't enough for Scott Brown 25
3/26/10 - 6:22 am So who would he prosecute here? State rep candidate says kid with gun at South Boston High shows need for anti-bully law 15
1/26/10 - 10:05 pm Back in the day it was about 50/50... You want ugly buildings? I'll show you ugly buildings 32
1/26/10 - 9:58 pm Post Office Square You want ugly buildings? I'll show you ugly buildings 32
1/26/10 - 3:52 pm Back in the day... You want ugly buildings? I'll show you ugly buildings 32
1/26/10 - 2:41 pm Heyyyyy! You want ugly buildings? I'll show you ugly buildings 32
11/25/09 - 12:41 pm I wholeheartedly agree Senate candidates and the Catholic Church 7
11/25/09 - 9:43 am I thought the person... So what do you do with a bunch of kids in Newton? You put 'em in the back of the SUV and you ... 5
11/24/09 - 1:39 pm The problem... Senate candidates and the Catholic Church 7
11/20/09 - 9:53 am A near miss? Hospital CEO on bike nearly buys it thanks to Masshole in a mini-van 1
11/20/09 - 9:47 am Probably not City owned Novel way for the T to raise money 7
10/28/09 - 12:14 pm Well... And there's a dead train at Porter 20
10/27/09 - 12:23 pm Wow! I can't wait to use my CharlieCard to get these discounts! Discounts for T riders 9
9/25/09 - 2:29 pm SRSF MBTA finds innovative new ways to collect revenue 8
9/25/09 - 1:39 pm Re: With respect, you're the first person I've ever MBTA finds innovative new ways to collect revenue 8
9/25/09 - 10:42 am Actually the moral would be... MBTA finds innovative new ways to collect revenue 8
9/24/09 - 4:43 pm Obvious troll is obvious... UHub Readers Choice on "Choose Life" 36
9/23/09 - 12:48 pm Same thing at the State House... Will slobby campaigns pick up their old signs now? 1
9/8/09 - 10:07 am Three Words... Verizon to shut down Usenet servers 10
8/28/09 - 2:41 pm As an act of full disclosure... Police activity near the Four Seasons Hotel 6
8/28/09 - 8:57 am This is an uncommon occurance on the Fitchburg line? This is why we need the ability to shoot laser beams out our eyes 14
8/27/09 - 12:36 pm Middleboro actually... Which line do you think has more dysfunctional trains: Red or Green? 21
8/27/09 - 9:14 am Purple Which line do you think has more dysfunctional trains: Red or Green? 21
8/21/09 - 3:52 pm *applause* Prudential Tower being evacuated 9
7/28/09 - 1:11 pm As we say on Fark... Add concrete ties to the list of things to worry about on commuter rail 26
7/22/09 - 10:21 pm Why would he? President: Cambridge police acted stupidly 43
7/22/09 - 10:17 pm And.. President: Cambridge police acted stupidly 43
7/22/09 - 9:59 pm Simply put, no. President: Cambridge police acted stupidly 43
7/8/09 - 11:10 am Boy... A good indication your train isn't coming 1
6/24/09 - 8:57 am Hmmmm... Rally for Harvard workers 3
6/9/09 - 7:49 pm Wait... T: Orange Line driver caught red-eared violating ban on cell phones 10
6/5/09 - 9:41 am Uhmmmm... Grammar Fail? A kid in Milton is in a heap of trouble tonight 3
5/5/09 - 5:08 pm Oh hells yes! Talk about your Internet flashbacks: Shore.net is back 4
4/25/09 - 12:04 am Hey... Phantom Gourmet bashing and drinking game 11
3/19/09 - 6:50 pm Translations Translating the Boston_Fire Twitter feed 12
3/10/09 - 9:44 am $250? A mere pittance! How T fares could rise 11
2/4/09 - 12:42 pm Re: Wind blows! He could file a lawsoot 4
2/2/09 - 9:34 am It doesn't affect me? Berating fare evaders on the Green Line 43
1/9/09 - 9:29 am Speaking as a (somewhat recovered) spark... How is Boston Sparks' vehicle legal? 9
12/11/08 - 12:02 pm What Charlie Cards? MBTA hears commuters who hate stuffing dollar bills into slots 14
12/11/08 - 12:00 pm Just out of curiousity... MBTA hears commuters who hate stuffing dollar bills into slots 14
12/11/08 - 10:41 am 'A' for effort I guess... MBTA hears commuters who hate stuffing dollar bills into slots 14
12/4/08 - 3:17 pm The trooper *wasn't* wrong Not a labor of love 28
12/4/08 - 9:16 am Meh, trooper did nothing wrong... Not a labor of love 28
11/24/08 - 8:51 am Holy... Uhhhh... There is an obvious headline for this post that I can't use 9
11/20/08 - 10:06 am I'd love to do this... Will the T lose money with its parking-lot increase? 21
11/20/08 - 10:05 am Middleboro/Lakeville Will the T lose money with its parking-lot increase? 21
11/18/08 - 10:20 am Smart Tolls not that smart Why we need both a hike in the gas tax and more tolls 20


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