8 years 11 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
11/15/17 - 10:00 pm Its not a hard concept Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/15/17 - 3:50 pm Always shoveling Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/15/17 - 11:17 am More of the same: Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/14/17 - 8:33 pm Huh? The Beech Street Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/14/17 - 5:07 pm Nah Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/14/17 - 5:02 pm We have, actually Group fighting airplane noise taking off in Boston's southern neighborhoods 49
11/14/17 - 3:01 pm Don't forget Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/14/17 - 2:45 pm Apples and Oranges Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/14/17 - 2:01 pm ... Boston, MBTA to start working on dedicated bus lane on Washington Street in Roslindale 59
11/10/17 - 5:48 pm More people live outside the City to try 'tactical crossing islands,' other steps to make Tremont Street in the South End safer for pedestrians 31
11/3/17 - 3:59 pm By and large Massachusetts gets screwed under Republican tax plan 52
11/3/17 - 12:42 pm You mean.... Massachusetts gets screwed under Republican tax plan 52
11/1/17 - 2:59 pm Umm Unreliable service catching up with the T: Revenues down as commuters abandon it 71
11/1/17 - 2:55 pm ... Unreliable service catching up with the T: Revenues down as commuters abandon it 71
11/1/17 - 2:45 pm They are Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89
11/1/17 - 12:27 pm I will believe it when I see it Unreliable service catching up with the T: Revenues down as commuters abandon it 71
10/31/17 - 2:40 pm Greenspace? Creepy house on a hill in Hyde Park to be replaced 17
10/17/17 - 5:49 pm The Acela The new Orange Line trains can get up to 63 mph and come with independent intellectual property rights 27
10/13/17 - 5:36 pm Given that they are given loans... Boston to try easing housing crunch by making it easier to add mother-in-law units 37
10/13/17 - 3:22 pm What? Boston to try easing housing crunch by making it easier to add mother-in-law units 37
10/10/17 - 1:45 pm Lol Harvard freshman with a beer got MIT frat in trouble; but the two-story indoor waterfall didn't help 26
10/9/17 - 3:03 am Obama? Columbus was a pretty loathsome person 78
9/18/17 - 5:21 pm Huh? State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/17/17 - 4:34 pm And you realize Amazon is State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 6:17 pm Nah State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:51 pm What? State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:41 pm What plans? State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:37 pm I know quite a few people State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:07 pm 50k? State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:05 pm There won't be State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:02 pm Thats odd State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/16/17 - 2:01 pm Red/Blue would be much more important State, local officials bet on Suffolk Downs in race for Amazon bid 59
9/5/17 - 8:46 pm Ain't it strange Rally to save DACA kids 101
8/31/17 - 9:21 pm You know Samsung probably wasn't trying to be offensive, but they succeeded anyway 122
8/26/17 - 9:06 pm In their defense Developer proposes aerial gondola service to the Seaport 60
8/26/17 - 4:54 pm Well Developer proposes aerial gondola service to the Seaport 60
8/26/17 - 4:45 pm Uhh Developer proposes aerial gondola service to the Seaport 60
8/24/17 - 4:37 pm No. MBTA head hired for his turnaround expertise left company that is on verge of bankruptcy 31
8/23/17 - 11:03 pm This again? MBTA head hired for his turnaround expertise left company that is on verge of bankruptcy 31
8/22/17 - 6:18 pm Nice Deli to replace cafe in the Back Bay 12
8/20/17 - 12:32 am Confusing Racists mill about the Parkman Bandstand for awhile, say nothing, are driven off Common in back of prisoner transport wagons 64
8/18/17 - 11:08 am inb4 sweet cheeks (ugh) Best Boston BBQ 20
8/17/17 - 11:51 pm The tunnels/stations/portals The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 11:45 pm I would say as long as the The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 11:42 pm Lol Make Way for Nazis 72
8/17/17 - 4:54 pm NSRL? Dedicated Silver Line tunnel? The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 4:52 pm It would be worse now The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 4:04 pm Also The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 3:26 pm Won't disagree The cost of connecting North and South stations 45
8/17/17 - 1:25 am Lol New MBTA head has no transit experience 74


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