8 years 7 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
1/8/21 - 6:34 pm One thing missing Massachusetts fascists who went to Washington are coming back to unwelcome news 63
12/1/20 - 2:09 pm Lmao Imagine how much time you'll save when your box truck comes pre-storrowed 2
11/21/20 - 5:50 pm Buying in pairs Citizen complaint of the day: Michelin Man wakes up from a bender and wonders where the rest of him is 11
10/1/20 - 11:41 am LOOOOOL ER doctor: Stop indoor dining now, before we have to shut even more things down again 47
9/18/20 - 9:37 am Quarter Recycling Banks start closing branches as people turn even more to online banking in a pandemic age 30
9/15/20 - 3:37 pm Bedford chairs The best seat in the house 11
9/3/20 - 3:09 pm Their prison systems are vastly different (i.e. better), too ICE free to arrest immigrants in Massachusetts courthouses again 25
8/28/20 - 9:32 pm Add educators to the recipient list! Local costume shop to produce masks with clear mouth area for deaf and hard of hearing 13
8/20/20 - 12:20 pm That explains the chopper Masked man of heft sought for Allston bank robbery 3
8/4/20 - 2:24 pm That was on Sunday Region braces for 'pain in the backside' storm, forecast to hit Tuesday night 21
8/4/20 - 9:50 am It's already here Region braces for 'pain in the backside' storm, forecast to hit Tuesday night 21
7/10/20 - 2:10 pm I've been following its development since midweek Facing flash floods from Fay 9
6/28/20 - 5:46 pm Finally some proper storms in the city! Torrential downpour floods North Shore roads 10
6/5/20 - 9:47 am Could be 2019 leftovers Walsh: White residents need to be quiet for a moment and listen to their black neighbors 49
5/30/20 - 9:34 am Perhaps they prefer the south side of the Pike Boston's pandemic rats eat their young 19
5/30/20 - 8:36 am Thanks Boston's pandemic rats eat their young 19
5/29/20 - 4:17 pm I dug up a rat's nest yesterday Boston's pandemic rats eat their young 19
5/15/20 - 11:29 am Of course Sure, why not a tornado? 5
5/9/20 - 8:58 am Insert an extra dot after the dot com in the URL Death in an East Boston apartment 32
5/6/20 - 4:34 pm Ignore it Loud jets will scream overhead to salute healthcare workers early this afternoon 51
5/6/20 - 1:12 pm Don't participate if you don't like it Loud jets will scream overhead to salute healthcare workers early this afternoon 51
4/18/20 - 12:43 pm I've seen plenty wearing masks Walsh: Sound trucks to broadcast coronavirus messages in high-rate neighborhods; Marathon runners thinking of running Monday should think again 16
4/18/20 - 12:33 pm LOL Asian-American doctor at Mass. General recounts man running across street to scream at her about coronavirus 49
4/13/20 - 6:09 pm I'm looking out my window Across Boston, trees continue inexorable plunges to the ground, except when they're stopped by houses 5
4/3/20 - 3:18 pm Yes, but 24 MBTA employees have tested positive for coronavirus; workers now having temperatures taken before shifts 12
4/3/20 - 9:41 am Night Shift Distributing is indeed based in Chelsea Brewheads no longer have to drive to Vermont for a couple of beers 11
3/30/20 - 1:37 pm Lax "essential" business requirements aren't helping Boston a week or two away from New York City coronavirus levels, Mass. General doctor predicts 36
3/23/20 - 12:11 pm Alcoholism Statewide stay-at-home advisory to go into effect tomorrow but all 'non-essential' businesses ordered shut 82
3/21/20 - 4:16 pm I saw it in person on Friday Life in line: 'Please buy all my produce, I have SO much produce, I don't know what to do with it!' 14
3/20/20 - 9:45 pm Thank Trump Walsh urges construction companies to donate masks, respirators to local hospitals 22
3/15/20 - 10:44 am True Healthcare professional at Mass. Eye and Ear tests positive for coronavirus 16
3/15/20 - 10:26 am Hopefully China can help with equipment Healthcare professional at Mass. Eye and Ear tests positive for coronavirus 16
3/13/20 - 10:56 pm Science is the reason to announce now and not later Boston Marathon postponed until Sept. 14 21
3/13/20 - 10:26 pm Nope Boston schools to shut next week after all 27
3/13/20 - 7:59 pm Lots of lines at grocery stores today too Boston schools to shut next week after all 27
3/13/20 - 2:43 pm Food is a legitimate issue for a lot of low income families Governor bans all gatherings of more than 250 people, but says schools, malls, airports and the T can stay open 21
3/13/20 - 2:28 pm Or 'Corona' Did the woman in 'strict isolation' at the hospital with a bad respiratory infection have coronavirus? Who knows - the hospital didn't have enough test kits to find out 15
3/13/20 - 2:04 pm Tricky situation for sure Catholic masses will continue, but sick people are allowed to stay home, cardinal says 24
3/13/20 - 10:32 am Many (if not most) churches will become sources of infection. Catholic masses will continue, but sick people are allowed to stay home, cardinal says 24
3/12/20 - 1:08 pm This needs to be widely publicized Did the woman in 'strict isolation' at the hospital with a bad respiratory infection have coronavirus? Who knows - the hospital didn't have enough test kits to find out 15
3/10/20 - 9:12 pm You're welcome! As number of coronavirus cases doubles, governor declares state of emergency 42
3/10/20 - 8:27 pm I did some stocking up tonight. As number of coronavirus cases doubles, governor declares state of emergency 42
3/10/20 - 8:19 pm I'm with you As number of coronavirus cases doubles, governor declares state of emergency 42
3/10/20 - 5:13 pm From what I've read... As number of coronavirus cases doubles, governor declares state of emergency 42
3/4/20 - 3:18 pm I was wondering about this myself Thank God we're a multi-newsroom town, coronavirus edition 26
2/16/20 - 10:18 pm Username checks out. Citizen complaint of the day: Maybe it's not people poisoning dogs in Charlestown, maybe it's the trees 29
2/13/20 - 5:40 pm No Citizen complaint of the day: Dogs getting high in the North End 49
2/13/20 - 11:54 am Decarboxylation Citizen complaint of the day: Dogs getting high in the North End 49
2/6/20 - 5:26 pm No, big deal. There's lazy and then there's Masshole lazy 35
2/4/20 - 4:39 pm For real. Board approves retirement home for service monkeys in Allston 19


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