16 years 6 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/13/14 - 2:14 pm Whomever it is Recognize him? 16
10/9/14 - 6:09 pm So why does it keep getting written into contracts? It's good to be foreign secretary 17
10/8/14 - 3:24 pm And there goes my respect for Tito Jackson out the window City council sticks it to editorialists from out of town, votes pay raise 48
10/8/14 - 3:14 pm I'm on board Councilors back idea of $120-million high school for Mattapan 21
10/8/14 - 1:22 pm Hear hear Police: Charlestown teen didn't give up loaded gun without a fight 57
10/8/14 - 1:19 pm Thank you for saying it Liquor-store owner, detectives clash over Carribean Festival citation 36
10/2/14 - 2:50 pm Of course they have no regrets Gaming Commission: No regrets on Everett choice even with indictment of land owners for fraud 15
9/30/14 - 5:53 pm Maybe CA has the same problem Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 5:45 pm Why should you live in a house? Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 5:24 pm None of the above Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 5:20 pm The car should be king Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 4:53 pm Not being almost $5.5 billion in debt? Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 4:44 pm Better options for the neighborhood? Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/30/14 - 4:30 pm What has the MBTA done to prove... Allston to get its commuter-rail station 94
9/28/14 - 2:41 am E-balls Will new Rosebud find easy sledding? 28
9/24/14 - 4:18 pm There should be a law Police: Pud-pulling passenger puts plane in peril 19
9/18/14 - 6:34 pm It is a good reason Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 5:53 pm The government doesn't need to subsidize anything! Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 5:45 pm Am I talking to a (expletive) wall? Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 4:02 pm Are you dense? Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 3:42 pm The government picking winners and losers Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 3:29 pm No, I'm not suggesting the laws be changed Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 2:55 pm You're right, it's not the state's job Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 2:47 pm Because it's an artificially forced reality Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 2:46 pm I try to Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 2:43 pm Are you dedicated to helping racetrack employees? Gaming Comission says it will try to keep thoroughbred racing going in Massachusetts 31
9/18/14 - 2:37 pm How does removing it even work? Truck turns Fields Corner into Gridlocked Corner 21
9/18/14 - 1:13 am Could be offset Red Line plays Godot; riders call it a dumb show 23
9/17/14 - 6:45 pm Current Boston UberX rates Red Line plays Godot; riders call it a dumb show 23
9/16/14 - 3:53 pm You shouldn't pay for it State bets on Wynn for Boston-area casino 71
9/16/14 - 3:37 pm I never considered Boston to be world-class State bets on Wynn for Boston-area casino 71
9/16/14 - 3:36 pm Do you like anything? State bets on Wynn for Boston-area casino 71
9/16/14 - 2:58 pm That's a completely asinine remark State bets on Wynn for Boston-area casino 71
9/16/14 - 2:25 pm Nice knowing you, Suffolk Downs State bets on Wynn for Boston-area casino 71
9/16/14 - 1:30 pm Why was he arrested? Pussy Riot galore at Cambridge PD as anti-Putin protester arrested at Harvard again 23
9/13/14 - 11:20 pm Well, how does that work? Headmaster at troubled Madison Park resigns; had never gotten certification as a headmaster 50
9/13/14 - 9:10 pm Madison Park Headmaster at troubled Madison Park resigns; had never gotten certification as a headmaster 50
9/3/14 - 7:13 pm Why UH matters Massive fire strikes Allston apartment buildings 37
9/1/14 - 11:59 am As Freakonomics always reminds us As students return, woman sexually attacked in Allston 12
8/29/14 - 8:49 pm Oh, come on, people Driver leaves Memorial Drive, ends up in Charles River 8
8/29/14 - 2:43 am Well, why not? City moves to take over landlord's buildings 9
8/27/14 - 11:05 pm How about we a cut a deal with them? Hub luxo apartment glut: One building resorts to free rent to try to drum up tenants 104
8/27/14 - 10:59 pm What a scumbag Peas in our time: Artie T. deal is signed 84
8/25/14 - 11:49 pm I do BPS warns of more possible school-bus problems tomorrow 27
8/25/14 - 10:54 pm Say it with me Police: Outraged shopper goes outside to find homeless person's shoes to throw at store clerks 19
8/25/14 - 10:53 pm Sure it is BPS warns of more possible school-bus problems tomorrow 27
8/21/14 - 11:35 pm Who's scummier? Did hospital chain consult with Barbra Streisand on Globe lawsuit? 10
8/20/14 - 11:07 pm I've lived 50 yards from the Irish Village for 10 years No wonder outer neighborhoods are losing liquor licenses: New York chef pays $410,000 for Oak Square tavern's license 39
8/17/14 - 11:35 pm Dumber users: Zipcar or Hubway? At least they're unlikely to hit the underside of a bridge 43
8/13/14 - 12:46 pm It's a frickin' hill Naturally: Beacon Hill group sues to stop historically inaccurate handicap ramps 130


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