Member for 12 years 4 days My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 2/12/14 - 1:25 pm hmm West Roxbury restaurant owner: His ethnic patrons don't want to know from wine 6 2/10/14 - 10:47 am I got pulled over once Color of law: Court rules illegal gun can't be used as evidence against man stopped for tinted license-plate cover 34 2/5/14 - 11:10 am interesting... Citizen complaint of the day: Really, Marty? 45 9/3/13 - 10:02 am group disc sale Reasonably priced dress alterations in Back Bay or Fenway 8 5/21/13 - 1:51 pm Fget the pizza Bostonians' unquenchable hunger for late-night pizza gets three pizza places in trouble 31 4/26/13 - 10:23 am 90 mins driving around in circles? He might be alive because a Shell station on Memorial Drive only takes cash 91 4/11/13 - 10:08 am Newbury St - Boston Woman sues Cambridge for right to advertise movie series through leaflets on car windshields 16 3/4/13 - 3:22 pm Too bad Been waiting to buy a Hess truck? Too late now 18 2/28/13 - 10:59 am I'd watch it again 'Boston's Finest' is worth watching, unlike some other shows about Boston we could mention 12 2/20/13 - 11:44 am Oak St. and Washington St. Apartments by the El 16 2/14/13 - 3:48 pm LOL Bandit sneaks into T station but gets hung up on escalator 5 My articles