14 years 3 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
11/8/11 - 11:55 am Please don't ban Teen charged with repeatedly stabbing man who sat next to him on a bus seat 30
11/8/11 - 11:53 am General shape of the story Detained while jogging in Jamaica Plain 68
11/8/11 - 11:33 am Alternate side won't do it. Chicagoans are so cute: Group seeks to pre-empt winter space saving 9
11/8/11 - 11:29 am Different strokes for different neighborhoods? Chicagoans are so cute: Group seeks to pre-empt winter space saving 9
11/8/11 - 11:21 am It's the behavior, not the handicap Louie, Louie 9
11/7/11 - 10:13 pm Resisted arrest? Detained while jogging in Jamaica Plain 68
7/13/11 - 7:03 pm O-FISH-L, Not so fast Mitt Romney has a problem with little kids in the North End 74
7/13/11 - 6:47 pm Retail building parking lot - Reasonable to access it. Mitt Romney has a problem with little kids in the North End 74
7/1/11 - 3:09 pm Triage happens higher up the chain At least they weren't caught serving cold tea 21
7/1/11 - 1:24 pm Thank you, Detective At least they weren't caught serving cold tea 21
7/1/11 - 11:05 am "Needs"? Somerville tries to improve city services through mystery shoppers 8
6/28/11 - 1:51 pm School funding Mike Ross: If City Hall won't build a school for Back Bay/Beacon Hill, use empty space in City Hall 23
6/28/11 - 9:48 am Fair enuff Dedham restaurant, blind people face off over service dogs 87
6/27/11 - 8:28 pm Movies? Dedham restaurant, blind people face off over service dogs 87
6/27/11 - 8:26 pm Cops do not enforce civil law Dedham restaurant, blind people face off over service dogs 87
6/27/11 - 8:23 pm Doesn't know or care about the law? Dedham restaurant, blind people face off over service dogs 87
6/27/11 - 8:10 pm It's about free court-appointed lawyer Remember that old guy you once saw walking around Castle Island and you wondered if that could be him? 13
6/22/11 - 8:48 pm What do you mean "possibly."? From the files of the City that Always Sleeps: Market offers to give up 24-hour operation in exchange for liquor license 12
6/22/11 - 8:28 pm The criminal mind Bonnie and Clyde they ain't 1
6/22/11 - 8:19 pm First chickens, next pigs Chickens could come home to roost in Roslindale 23
6/22/11 - 4:32 pm Not what I thought. Chickens could come home to roost in Roslindale 23
6/22/11 - 4:05 pm No burden of proof on NABB From the files of the City that Always Sleeps: Market offers to give up 24-hour operation in exchange for liquor license 12
6/22/11 - 3:59 pm Problem is transferrable licenses From the files of the City that Always Sleeps: Market offers to give up 24-hour operation in exchange for liquor license 12
6/21/11 - 6:15 pm Good Lord, you're obsessed Yes, somebody did fall off a Segway in Christopher Columbus Park 26
6/21/11 - 11:38 am Eh? Segway tour operator sues city over new regulations; says they could lead to deaths 29
6/20/11 - 6:18 pm Speed? Segway tour operator sues city over new regulations; says they could lead to deaths 29
6/20/11 - 6:04 pm Im not looking for "who was right" City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/18/11 - 4:14 pm Analogies and proof City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/18/11 - 3:53 pm Yes. City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/18/11 - 3:50 pm You still have not answered City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/18/11 - 3:01 pm This generally works The charity gauntlet in Jamaica Plain 54
6/18/11 - 2:53 pm One of the keys is "Reasonable accommodation." City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/18/11 - 2:43 pm And you have not addressed the point about parking spaces City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/17/11 - 10:16 am Difference between wheelchairs and Segways City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/16/11 - 4:06 pm A disabled person cnnot park in any other spot City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/16/11 - 3:56 pm Still no explanation City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/16/11 - 11:00 am How do the airlines get away with it? City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/16/11 - 8:08 am Cite please? City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/16/11 - 12:11 am Asking someone to prove disability is not illegal. City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/15/11 - 9:51 pm It's not binary City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/15/11 - 3:34 pm Your source of data? Ass-grabbing oyster shuckers no longer allowed to work at Durgin-Park 17
6/15/11 - 3:04 pm Your logic? Ass-grabbing oyster shuckers no longer allowed to work at Durgin-Park 17
6/15/11 - 2:57 pm Just like parking spaces City Council votes to restrict Segways in Boston 88
6/15/11 - 12:40 am Huge difference Judge tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf 29
6/15/11 - 12:27 am You're still missing the point Judge tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf 29
6/14/11 - 1:08 pm I'm not sure Judge tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf 29
6/14/11 - 11:15 am Another small detail Judge tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf 29
6/14/11 - 11:13 am It's about process Judge tosses state approval of restaurant at the end of Long Wharf 29
6/14/11 - 10:22 am Effective lobbying Laundry outrages Michele McPhee 42
6/14/11 - 10:15 am Practical? Harvard gets us closer to having sharks with frickin' laser beams embedded in their heads 8


My articles