Member for 17 years 2 weeks My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 4/11/13 - 4:16 pm I should run for something Mike Ross runs for mayor; is anybody left? 42 2/27/13 - 12:20 pm save it til spring ;) Citizen complaint of the day: This space saver is no Aretha Franklin 13 2/15/13 - 7:51 pm I carved out my space Stop making sense: Somebody in Southie is trying to say something at 'his' parking space 6 2/8/13 - 2:51 pm lots of savers out in Roslindale Oh, come on guys, you need to put at least a little effort into it 9 1/11/13 - 10:37 am put notes on the car Citizen Complaint of the Day: The eternal car alarm 13 1/9/13 - 10:47 am useful map but reality more complicated A commuter-rail map based on travel time 10 1/7/13 - 2:03 pm Cottage Industry in Reality Freakshows Somerville man prepares for nuclear armageddon with land in upstate New York, RV and new wife 40 12/21/12 - 5:18 pm amazing how differently we see the world Menino: NRA would make America more dangerous 34 12/13/12 - 3:39 pm actually, this is in place... Roslindale substation plans could expand to include funeral home next door 27 12/13/12 - 1:30 pm now THAT would be awesome Roslindale substation plans could expand to include funeral home next door 27 12/13/12 - 12:47 pm memories Depressed? Maybe a temp job would help 15 12/13/12 - 11:29 am Subway is awesome Roslindale substation plans could expand to include funeral home next door 27 12/12/12 - 10:50 am video is effective Something missing from city video that decries effects of busing on one poor Dorchester neighborhood 8 12/6/12 - 9:26 am safety hearing at noon at City Hall today Bicyclist dies in collision with tractor-trailer on Comm. Ave. 189 11/16/12 - 1:46 pm I'd keep an open mind The mayoral candidate being left off early MSM reports 18 11/1/12 - 5:31 pm best time Herald learns why you should never launch a brand-new Web site on a weekday 9 10/14/12 - 7:03 am parking perv Charlestown man, a City Hall worker, arrested on child-porn charge 9 8/23/12 - 9:51 am Common sense prevails New state law frees Boston pit bulls from the tyranny of muzzles 23 8/18/12 - 8:53 am More details on Roslindale mugging? Woman mugged, knocked to the ground at Roslindale intersection 1 8/12/12 - 5:58 pm hogwarts express to forest hills When the T sells station naming rights and Ruggles becomes Pringles 4 7/16/12 - 1:44 pm nice contextual advertising Top school officials urged employees to attend rally for their boss 22 7/2/12 - 9:19 am I remember that concert You think he bought another Fenway brick in the wall? 3 6/25/12 - 3:43 pm mapping the bear Bear ambles into Needham 7 6/25/12 - 11:49 am late for the race? Bear ambles into Needham 7 6/6/12 - 4:14 pm dogs on leash in the Arboretum?? North End parents tired of dog owners giving them shit 41 5/28/12 - 8:24 am Menino's not bad, actually Herald columnist: Boston's already hip enough, so just shut up already 69 5/27/12 - 7:03 am These clowns are an anomaly Back Bay pedestrians get their revenge on bicyclists, or something 58 5/15/12 - 3:00 pm quality for all Officials want to know why BPS teaching staff so much whiter, more female than student population 51 5/15/12 - 10:01 am but it is a distraction Officials want to know why BPS teaching staff so much whiter, more female than student population 51 5/9/12 - 2:59 pm competing with Rosi square? Crime-ridden, trash-strewn Roslindale strip mall no place for 24-hour burger drive-thru, city officials say 12 5/8/12 - 9:49 am understanding the past and building the future Councilors propose making Latino and Asian history part of high-school curriculum 53 5/8/12 - 9:37 am it's worked great for me in Roslindale Boston complaint system works so well state wants to extend it to other communities 8 4/30/12 - 4:33 pm not entirely a "no-brainer" Faceplant risks: Researchers say most Hubway users don't wear helmets 55 4/27/12 - 1:33 pm sounds reasonable to me (sarcasm) Failed candidate and failed nutritional-supplement peddler blames Obama for his bankruptcy 6 4/18/12 - 12:19 pm WiFi for Rosi Roslindale to get bandstand, indoor/outdoor pool and plan for library renovations 6 4/15/12 - 11:07 am reduce choices and eliminate BPS lottery If BPS has already decided how to rejigger school zones, why is it holding parent meetings? 4 4/12/12 - 11:57 am plenty of parents in their 20s Citizen complaint of the day: Stop staffing golf courses with fuddy-duddies 53 4/9/12 - 12:48 pm because the world is not optimized to serve you Citizen complaint of the day: Why do people who need to add value to their CharlieCard always get on the bus first? 43 4/9/12 - 12:34 pm Charlie Card solution No more baker's dozens on commuter rail 28 4/4/12 - 11:28 am complex but good news Too many kids, not enough kindergarten seats 10 3/12/12 - 12:27 pm Dunkin Donuts gift cards would be better Bill that would require refunds for late, cold commuter trains but not subways is sponsored by a suburbanite 7 3/8/12 - 11:56 pm preparing workers? UMass center is aghast Boston is creating so many tech jobs 15 3/8/12 - 11:44 pm I came back UMass center is aghast Boston is creating so many tech jobs 15 1/20/12 - 9:30 am not so compartmentalized The problem with the mayor's pledge to return to neighborhood schools 18 1/19/12 - 10:48 pm Eliminate Choice The problem with the mayor's pledge to return to neighborhood schools 18 1/9/12 - 9:54 am What's in your wallet? Beacon Hill residents gird to fight off Capital One barbarians 27 1/3/12 - 1:42 pm have to disagree T fares could go up at least 35% as service is cut 94 12/22/11 - 7:12 am direct election would be better Murphy: Who elected the Globe and Kevin McCrea? 23 12/11/11 - 6:16 pm makes no sense to occupy Allston Occupy Allston coming 37 12/5/11 - 11:51 pm actually, that doesn't work Citizen complaint of the day: Just because it's Christmastime doesn't mean you can save spaces 44 Pages« first‹ previous123next ›last » My articles